When I was driving yesterday the red triangle light and the brake system warning light was on. When I started the car this morning the brake system light was off only the triangle light. The scanner gave me p0a80 and p3000 code(bluedriver obd2 scanner). I’m sure the both of the batteries are fine because I tested the battery last week and they were fine. Anyone here can help me??
Look at the live data from the hybrid battery pack via Torque app ($6) or similar. Are all the blocks within spec? Watch it while power braking to fill the pack. Watch it will draining in reverse with parking brake on. You should be able to see if there is a problem.
I tested the battery with the multimeter. All the oils are fine. I checked the 12v battery by holding the display and on off the headlight three times. It showed 13.9-14.0 while the car is on ready.
You checked the 12v accessory battery which is good. Next step would be to obtain data about the high voltage hybrid battery. A scanner that can show data in real time is needed. For example - Android phone/tablet - ELM 327 Bluetooth OBDII adaptor - Torque Pro app All this should cost you less than $75 You already have bluedriver so I assume you have an Apple device. I don't know off the top of my head if that can be used to get hybrid battery data. Like voltage, etc.
P0A80 is the bad battery code so your car thinks your traction battery is bad even if you don’t. You could try disconnecting the 12v to clear the codes and see what happens. And what is the voltage of the 12v before you start the car? Have you tried waving your pitchfork at it?