Does anyone use one of those AC inverters that plug into our cigarette lighters so that you can plug in standard, 2 or 3 prong AC electrical plugs? We're thinking about taking a road trip, and I'd like to get one for light use (i.e. kid's DVD player, GameBoy charging, maybe a laptop) but not using all of these items at once. Any recommendations for a particular brand? I've read some reviews online on Amazon, and I'm concerned that I might blow the fuse for my cigarette lighter socket if I overload it or if the inverter develops some sort of fault (i.e. a short). In case I do blow that fuse, where is that fuse located and is there a separate fuse for the 2 cigarette lighters in the car? What kind of load can one safely put on an inverter such as this when plugged into our cigarette lighters? Thanks!
I have one of the AC inverters. Made by Belkin. I really like it. Makes my life so much easier without having 5 or 7 car adaptors. On the adaptor I have, it comes with its own 10W fuse. So, if I accidently overload it, the adaptor fuse will pop, not the car fuse. And it takes a car size fuse, so I just carry around a small pack of extra fuses. In terms of the load the adaptor can take, would depend on the adaptor itself? What it's ratings are, wattage, and so forth
I have a 400w inverter made by Husky. I comes with the cigarette plug and clamps to attach directly to the battery. I bought it at Lowes for our move from Tennessee to Alabama. I used it to power an air pump for our fish. (I moved our fish (13" Oscar and two 15" plecostomus) in a large cooler) My 400w inverter worked fine but now I wish I would have purchases a larger one to power from the Prius in emergencies.
Thanks....if anyone has any other suggestions, post away. I'm not looking for one that attaches to the battery, though. Just one that we can use with the cigarette lighter.
We ended up blowing a fuse in our Dodge Caravan when we tried to power an XBox and a monitor during a vacation. It worked for about 15 minutes or so before it shut down. The cigarette lighter socket was HOT; I'd guess that it could have been a fire hazard. As I recall, the radio also shut down, but the car continued on without issue. I googled the fuse about a week later when we got home, and found out where it was located. Once I found it I swapped it with the fuse for the liftgate (a spare, since I don't have that feature in the van). Then the cigarette lighter, along with the radio, came back to life. I forget the exact rating on the fuse, I think it was somewhere between 30 - 40 amps (I remember that it was lower than I expected). Our AC inverter is rated at 300 watts and it was only luke warm while all this was going on; it's amazing how efficient these things are. We'd done the same trick in previous years, but with a PS2 instead of an XBox and all was well. That, and two pairs of headphones certainly helped keep the two kids quiet. But that XBox sure pulls a lot of power...