The rubber seal for my rear driver's side door is coming off, as shown in the pic below. It's not cracked or ripped anywhere. It often comes off enough that the door doesn't close all the way, and I need to push the rubber back on. What's the best way to address this? I thought about using some epoxy to hold it in place, but I figure that would create a mess if I ever need to replace it. Thanks.
I think super glue would be too brittle. Better to use a flexible adhesive. Can't think of a name right now, but one of the auto parts stores should have something.
I'm thinking pull it off more, then "redistribute" it somewhat when pushing it back on. Pull it down and push firmly into the lower corner, and the inverse at the top corner.
I think they do use some tacky black stuff in places, though I could be thinking of other cars, past Hondas. If they did there's likely enough in there to still be viable, you wouldn't need to add more. But to me that just looks poorly installed, like a ripple in the carpet that can be remedied with a bit of stretching and compression in other zones. Maybe the car was recently detailed or painted? Or someone getting out of the back seat snagged on it, pulled it partially off.
Do not (NOT) use Super Glue. Perhaps a bit (just a bit, judiciously applied) of RTV. I also like Mendel's idea of 'pulling off/redistributing'. Might not have to use any adhesive with that approach.
It wasn't recently detailed or painted. It's possible one of my kids snagged on it when getting out of the car. I'm thinking maybe I'll try to use a little RTV to stick it back on. Thanks.