I have a 2011 Pruis that I'm using an Allen trunk bike rack with. With my 08 prius the top piece sat on my hatch window nicely while the other arms firmly planted right over my licence plate. With the shape of the 2011 the rear window is slanted in a way that if I sit the top piece far enough down to get the other piece to hit my licence plate it's not even on the window anymore it's on the rear fin. So I have it so it comes down above the license plate but than it sits right on the emblem and since it's not flat the rack likes to move. My first thought was to remove the emblem, but after I researched it I'm not sure if it will leave holes for rust or what. I'd like to know what my best options are and any suggestions other than get a different bike rack.
Probably not the best answer, but you might consider using a pool noodle on each side of the bar to clear the badge, provided the fit does not become too mushy when you add weight to it.
I appreciate your out of the box and least labor intensive idea. I just watched a video that showed taking off the whole trim piece to take off the emblem and than that leaves holes. I've taken off all the trim when I installed an after market back up camera, not hard, but time consuming in my opinion. Maybe I can "pop" it off as some people have suggested. Thanks again for the idea
You can pop it You can pry it off easily with an old credit card. Start from side and pull towards center. There are 3+1 holes. You can seal it with a sticker or some vinyl wrap to ensure water does not go in. Just my 2 cents Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I already have done some damage to my rear fin already for me it's a done deal, so I would consider a trailer hitch one but for me I'm already "invested" ha ha. So I will probably attempt to pop it off and cut a thin piece of metal to cover the hole and make it flush the best I can. I am considering using double sided automotive tape to affix it so I can replace the badge if I sell the car. Please feel free to comment on my idea. Thank you
So I popped of the rear badge will VERY little effort, I was surprised how it pretty much fell off into my hands. I used poster putty to temporarily fill the holes. I than traced a rough template of the inside dimension and had a sheet metal shop cut me a piece of steel from that template. To my surprise they had white steel. I now order a decal and magnets to go over the piece. I will clear coat it and than use 3M double sided body tape to secure it. It sounds like a lot of work but really not. $11 for time and material to cut the metal and $7 for a decal and $5 for the tape. Than I should be able to put the badge back on at a later time.