Is there an option to turn the 11" screen off completely ? Is it a good idea to use XLE/Limited model for delivery job? Will the screen get burn-in / faded effect if on 6-10hrs daily after a few years? How is the Limited sound system compared to XLE/LE ?
yes, you can turn it off. yes, it is a great idea. no, it won't get burn in. idk how the sound compares
I use to drive 2017 PRIME Premium (equivalent of XLE for 2020 PRIME), but I hated 11" display. I had it turned off most of the time. You can control most of the functions without the LED just using the MID and wheel buttons. There are certain functionalities that requires the the LED to be on. If you don't need navigation system, it is best to go with LE. That's why I downgraded mine to 2020 PRIME LE. Any models of PRIME may work for delivery job, provided you don't need a huge cargo space. You will not find more fuel efficient car for stop and go traffic. If you can find free charge station in between deliveries, you will save even more on fuel cost. As for the burn-in, like any LED I would think it is possible, but I have not heard or read anyone experiencing it. I never had Advanced or Limited models with JBL, so I can't compare. That being said, I am not much of audiophile. The sound system on both Premium (now XLE) and LE are fine to me.
Not sure about burn-in (haven't seen any reports from taxis lately) but if you leave it on the navigation screen, you should be fine since the map moves around. But if you leave it on the Audio screen/menu where it's static, you might have burn in. You can turn the display off. As for the audio system, it depends how attuned or picky you are. I was surprised as how decent the base 6-speaker audio system is (that's what we have on our 2016 Prius Touring) considering Toyota tends to have crappy base stereo systems (they tend to be bass-heavy and muddy). The JBL audio on the 2018 Prius Prime that we have is noticeably better (and at louder volumes, you can better hear the differences especially with classic music or Pop... something like Michael Jackson type beats). So for me, the JBL audio sounds better and I can enjoy music at a higher volume with less distortion. However, audiophiles on this forum still prefer to swap out the speakers for aftermarket ones with better cones and stronger amps.
I didn't have BSM and RCTA on my previous Premium trim, so I don't miss them. Those features are not worth to me anyway.
I, too, can live without BSM/RCTA (they're included in my Prime) mostly because of the potential for issues when someone inevitably nudges your bumper (only enough to take it out of alignment) and thus throws the calibration off and the car incessantly nags you with an error message on the 4.2" MID that you can't erase. (even if you press "back", the message returns after a few seconds).