Looking to order this brake master pump and the top part number is easily accessible but what is the significance of the highlighted number? I see nothing that matches that number. TIA
Neither number seen in your photo is the service part number for the brake booster with master cylinder assembly on a 2010 Prius, which is either 47050-47140 (15-inch wheels) or 47050-47150 (17-inch wheels); see catalog Figure 47-02, Brake Master Cylinder. For Customer Support Program ZJB, which expires at the end of next month (November 2019), there are special part numbers, 04002-33347 or 04002-33447, respectively, listed in bulletin T-SB-0079-18. On the part in your photo, I imagine 47270-47030 is the production part number for the assembly or one of its components, and the other number is a serial number or date code. I’m not sure I’d buy a part advertised as “47270-47030,” since there is no way to tell whether the software in the skid control ECU (part of the assembly) is the correct version for your car.