Now that the initial novelty of lowering wore off, can you say lowering is worth it given the ride, the possible bumpiness and such? Still considering it years after I got it.
eibach springs will not bring you down low low, so the difference in driving is not so much / (actually, I was a little disappointed how little the difference is) for me it's worth for the looks/ just makes the car look more 'complete' / BION StarCaller
It really comes down to personal preference. I hated the way the Prius rode on stock suspension so it was a no brainer to go with lower and stiffer springs. I don't think I even made it a week before I installed my springs. The ride is slightly stiffer than stock but its for the better because stock springs are so soft that there's a disconnect from the road surface. Nearing my 6th year of owning my car and I have zero regrets about lowering it.
Spring or coilovers choice, rim size, tire size, etc. all effect ride quality. The range of ride quality is so vast and wide, even if you lowered your Prius, depending on the setup, I'm almost positive you wont mind or notice the ride quality. As matter of fact, I'm getting my TRD springs put in this Friday. Z.