I noticed that when I opened up the rear hatch and looked to the right there is something that looks like a vent. When I shined a light on it I saw an orange strap behind that vent looking thing. Can anyone tell me what that is in there? I was going to remove the panel but that seems like a whole big project. I'm just curious what could that be behind that vent looking slot?
The tail light wires run through that panel, so it may have shifted and is in view now. Not sure what else is in there, though, so it may be more.
It is a vent, it allows cabin air to flow to the exterior so that when you shut your car doors you don't blow windows out from the pressure. IIRC.
Thanks Ztanos, I kind of thought it looked like a vent of some sort. It was driving me nuts because I had no idea what it was, lol
The purpose of the vent in the trunk area is to act as the exhaust for the battery cooling system. The warm air that is displaced by the cool air being sucked in at the bottom of the rear seat to cool the battery has to go somewhere.
i wondered about that too. i use the straps to tether a flashlight i keep in the trunk area since my cheapo level one has no trunklight.
Has anyone added a wired cargo light to a c1? I've been thinking about how to add an led strip flashlight similar to robertmaria's fkashlight idea, click it 0n for a light, remove it should I need a flashlight.