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Quantitative Observations of Fuel Gauge Segments

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Fuel Economy' started by sawbert, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. sawbert

    sawbert Junior Member

    Aug 12, 2005
    New England
    Over a one year period (Aug 07 to Aug 08) the odometer reading was recorded as each segment extinguished on the fuel gauge. Attached are the results in chart format averaged over 32 fill-ups (14-15,000 miles); note that the "tenth" segment is when the last pip starts flashing. For those reluctant to open an attachment, the data can be summarized in text format:
    1st segment extinguishes @ 128 in summer and 62 in winter
    Then the 2nd segment is only good for 27 miles in summer (49 winter)
    Segment 3 is the smallest with only 25 miles year-round
    Segments 4 through 9 get progressively more distance linearly up to 52 miles for both 8th and 9th.
    The tenth and last segment starts flashing on average at 25 miles after the ninth segment goes out; note the tank was allowed to drain to the flashing pip on less than half of the 32 fuelings

    Summer started in the last week of April when a 60 mile step increase was observed in the life of the first segment; winter commenced around Halloween with a 34 mile drop in the first segment duration.

    Background data:
    Model: 2nd Gen 2005
    Geographical and climatic: Boston area
    Typical mission: 25 mile one-way (reverse, lucky me!) commute primarily on interstate with moderate elevation change
    Driving style: Top speeds 65-80 MPH, with frequent high profile vehicle drafting
    MPG: average 52 in summer, 45 in winter, A/C used briefly once a week
    Payload: one person
    Fuel: 87 octane
    Mods: Front grill block and snow tires in winter

    There must be a similar or more refined study but a PC search did not reveal it. Questions and comments are most welcome.

    Attached Files:

  2. krmcg

    krmcg Lowered Blizzard Pearl Beauty

    May 15, 2008
    Whittier, CA
    2016 Prius
    I appreciate your time, effort, and attention to detail. I have tried to pay attention to this issue myself, but distraction always seems to win out.
  3. edthefox5

    edthefox5 Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2007
    Clearwater, Florida
    2007 Prius
    My short one year ownership of my 07 and being a member here for one year has taught me one thing. Everyone has a different experience with there fuel bladder depending upon regional temps and age of bladder which greatly impacts the first pip readout.

    Its nice your spread sheeting your experience but it has nothing to do with mine or anyone else's.

    One time a few months back I got 145 miles on first PIP. After a gas gushing episode. Next tank a week later was 75 miles. All in 80 degree heat.