I have an 08 Prius with the original nav system DVD--7.1, IIRC. What are the non-map changes between that version and the current one? That is, not additions/corrections to the map, but interface/usability changes, if any?
Hi Scott, I have v9.1 in my '06, and the only 'functional' change I am aware of is the removal of the "I agree" button (and is timed out instead), which I believe was implemented in v7.1, so would not affect you anyway. As far as I know, the v10.1 and v11.1 were only mapping updates, though I haven't used either of those, as I don't upgrade every year unless I find a good deal online (which I haven't). I heard that v12.1 is scheduled for release on September 1st. Hope that helps...
Thanks. I keep hoping there'll be some sensible changes to make the nav system less crappy, but guess that won't happen.