Having for better or worst, bought a new low mileage 2018 Prius Prime Premium, I will be giving our 2011 car to our son who lives in California. But will need to wait 3-6 months for him to get it. How or what do you recommend is best way to store car outside under a car cover. Drive it once every month around block hoping cops don't stop me as it wont have license plates?
With no license and (presumably) no insurance, I think I would be reluctant to chance even driving it around the block. I wonder if force-charging it and letting it discharge while remaining stationary for a few cycles every week or 2 would be sufficient to keep the HV battery healthy. I'd like to hear others' opinions on that.
I'd risk it. Unlikely you'll be stopped if you are in a residential area If stopped you can say the DMV was closed due to COVID-19. But if you do get stopped I had no part in it Mike
Car covers work best in dry, calm weather. If used in wet or windy seasons they can retain too much moisture and/or whip-scuff the paint. I'd apply gasoline stabilizer to whatever's in the tank and start it every 7th day and run it for a while with the air conditioner turned up to create a dummy load while drying the interior air. I don't think I'd drive it. Check your rodent situation and act accordingly.
I would say give it a good drive cycle every other week, 5 miles or so. Inflate tires to 40psi as they will lose some while sitting for 3mo