I Have not gotten an answer to what this phrase means yet. I might guess, but asking seems prudent. So, just what IS pulse and coast (glide)? Thank you all. Alan We have an 08 red leather on navigation. We are now on our 3 fill up and on the first 2 we calculated the MPG at 43.X We live in Oklahoma and are happy with the MPG so far.
Gliding is done by completely releasing the gas pedal to allow the ICE to turn off, and then feathering it back down a tiny bit to the point where all regenerative drag is released, allowing what amounts to the equivalent of freewheeling. The Energy monitor shows a "no-arrows" condition during the glide. It can be done only at speeds below 42 MPH. Not sure the terminology is consistent among all Prius owners, but I draw a distinction between the terms glide and coast. I call it coasting when the gas pedal is completely released.
You can achieve the terms 'gliding', 'coast', or 'pulse-acceleration' if the road is flat or on a slight downhill or if you are getting ready to go on a complete stop...these can definitely increase your mpg. For me, while travelling on the interstate...I always coast downhill and let the engine shut off...thus saving gas. (Even if my speed is at 70 mph or higher)...still saving gas.
Pulse and glide is fun to do if you are not in traffic. If someone is right behind you it is better to just drive like everyone else. When traffic, or shall we say the lack of traffic, will allow just do as an earlier post suggested. After a while, you will easily feel the difference when all the arrows go away and the energy screen makes it look like nothing is happening. Then when you let up from that position you will feel the car slow down a little when the green arrows flow toward the battery. Then when you press gently on the gas it will feel like someone just gave the car a little push when all the arrows go away again. A little practice is all that it takes. When you get good at it you can do it by feel even when you have the MFD set to the consumption screen. I notice that you are from Oklahoma but you do not say where in OK. If you are from Tulsa, a good place to practice is on 15th going east from Harvard to Memorial Drive. Three miles of mostly level or down hill with a few up-hills thrown in to practice gentle electric driving on. I can useally get a couple of 80 to 100 mpg segments on the graph there. One thing that I do that has not been mentioned is to let up on the gas when the speed gets up to 40 mph and let the car regenerate, then get back in glide mode when the speed gets down to about 38 mph. If you are from around here, PM me and maybe we can get together and talk about this sometime.
A pulse is used to gain some speed and looks like this on the MFD The glide is used to coast as far as possible (traffic allowing) and looks like this on the MFD
People do this because regeneration (capturing kinetic energy and storing it in the battery) is not perfectly efficient and therefore wastes some energy. Also the engine is most efficient when used near the peak of its output. For best fuel efficiency - it is better to glide (no arrows on the energy display) than to regenerate (arrows on the energy display) - it's better to regenerate than to use the friction brakes (these are always engaged under 7 MPH but it can be hard to tell otherwise; feel and sound may be the only ways) - and it's better to brake than to stop moving. This is just a refinement of a technique used for decades to improve economy in old-style cars, enhanced by the Prius' regeneration capability.
Thanks everyone. It seems than the pulse is giving it gas to get to a speed rather quickly then when one can on a level or down hill letting the Prius glide 'coast'. Again thanks to all. Alan
Just note that P&G (glide) is what we use. Pulse and coast is what regular cars do cause they can't glide obviously.