The car is pulling to the right. I did the alignment at two places including the dealer. The rear wheel toe is not aligned, but the dealer said it is normal because the car was lifted when the did the alignment. When they put it down, it will become out of spec. Is that true? I tried to swap the front tire at firestone. it was pullin to the left after swapping the front tire, but firestone said it is because the tire is directional tire, so the tire has no problem. They tried to swtich the front to the rear on each side and the car is always pulling to the right. So my question is: if the tire is bad, even if it is at the rear, will it still cause the pull? They say it can be the steering wheel computer was not reset by the dealer after alignment. I really doubt swapping directional tire will cause the car to pull to the other side unless they are bad tire. But they did swap the front to the back but pulling still exists. Could it be the brake drag?
???? Alignment must be done with the suspension under normal load. I would question any conclusion on PTTR cause if alignment was done any other way. Differential mechanical braking could be a cause, but is easy to observe by sensing differential hub temperatures after a short drive to a rolling stop under regenerative braking.
Usually see alignment done with the car on a platform with wheels touching some revolving platters. Then they attach some devices to the wheels that allow them to measure the angles. Great aligners even load a standard weight into the drivers seat. Ask for a print out of the current alignment specs. The dealer's guy is blowing smoke at you. Any cupping of the tires (feel) or unusual wear? Have the wheels been checked for trueness (once had 3 bent wheels, you put the wheel on a balance machine and see if there is any wobble)?