I freaking officially give up on charging in Texas. Being an oil state, Not only the gov doesn’t give a crap about environment and fuel saving...nobody gives a crap neither. Charging station is like unicorn here...so I have a couple hours to kill so decided to make a 15 miles drive to one to test my “free $100 credit with ChargePoint”. When I finally made it there...I saw this....
If you really want to commiserate, look at the thread started years ago titled parking abuse Hall of Shame. There you can see countless inconsiderate tools - just being very inconsiderate selves. .
You’re a better person than me. Id have pulled along behind them and ran the cord out to the charge port. Haven’t had the prime long enough yet (just broke 48 hours) but my other car is a smart electric drive. I’ve actually backed up behind someone sitting in the charging spot to where I was inches from their car and ran the cord to my charge port. Went in to the bathroom and when I came out they were standing by my car trying to unplug it. I just looked at them and said “it’ll be full in 4 hours. Did you want me to move or are you still shopping?”
Ouchh that hurt me so much seeing the ICE vehicles parked there and a TESLA WITH their OWN proprietary charger
the tesla format is not proprietary. Anyone who wants to build one can do so. They opened up all their patents somw time ago, but the good Folks at chargepoint, EV-GO, blink Et AL have chosen to only provide slower Chargers, for The Lion's Share of slower charging cars. Don't blame Tesla. As a matter of fact, if you wanted to, all you have to do is buy the adapter so you can charge off of a Tesla wall Charger, with your J-plug, like i did. As for that Tesla charging at the Chargepoint Point stall, what, isn't his money green as the bext car? Is there a sign anywhere saying no Tesla's? Maybe he should have to go 40 or 50 miles out of his way to get to that so-called "proprietary" supercharger? But hey, thanks for spewing all the hatred towards a fellow plug-in car. .
The western part of the state is much better. I have five stations within 5 miles of where I live. Two of them are very close to my office. I usually don't need them as I have a station I use at home. Provincetown has two right near the main parking lot downtown that come in quite handy when I go there. I have not tried in Boston but I suspect that they are few and far between there.