Bought my first Prius TODAY!! I've been looking to purchase one for about a year - but they were quite expensive when gas was $4.00 a gallon. It's used (2008 - 34K) but it looks GREAT!!! I'm going to have fun learning to drive this car!
Well welcome t the group!! Be sure to stop by everyday, you never know what you wll learn about your toy. If your at 34k you have 2k left before your on your own. You might consider the extended warranty if they would sell it to you. That would give you protection for7yr/70k ???? I am not sure, I am sure others out here will offer their opinion!! hats the beauty of this group. Lotta opining!!!
Welcome! You will learn a lot about your new car from the info in this forum - I know I have. One of the things I found very useful is the User Guides found on one of the members website John's Stuff - Toyota Prius and more. Thanks again John.