I was under the impression that dealers are supposed to post their available cars in a specific subforum, but I can't seem to find it.. And I certainly don't want to clutter up the main 2010 Prius forum with vehicles that may become available. I see this forum as a place to exchange info not a place to sell my wares... Can someone give me a heads up? Mods?
Thank you for asking before posting. The forum you're looking for is here:Sponsored Commercial Sales - PriusChat Forums But please read this thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/sponsor...les-policy-priuschat-read-before-posting.html and contact Danny before posting any ads. PriusChat is a very useful tool to market your product to the thousands of visitors we have every day. However, lately the idea of "free advertising" on PriusChat has turned into an abuse of the site and a waste of bandwidth for our users. Effective immediately, there will be a nominal $20 charge to begin a Group Buy or sell retail items by businesses or individuals at PriusChat. There is no charge for our Sponsors This policy is not in effect obviously for privately-owned items that can be sold or traded in the Private Sales Forum. Only one car per advertisement thread will be allowed. If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected] for further information. If you don't have any questions about posting an Automotive Advertisement thread on PriusChat, then please visit our Online Payment Pageto pay via credit card. To pay via check or money order, please contact me for payment information. Wondering why you should post your dealership's car on PriusChat? Tn a very short time, you can have a buyer that is willing to travel thousands of miles to purchasefor your car. Dealer Automotive For Sale posts must follow the following guidelines or will be deleted by a Moderator - you do not get a refund of your money, or a 2nd chance to repost it. Follow these guidelines or lose your cash: Title your Thread with the Year, Price of the car, Color, Option Package, and City/State of the location of the car. Example: 04 Prius, $24k, Tideland #9, Columbia, SC Your original post should follow this format: Price Dealer Name (Including City/State): Color: Option Package: Date Available: Miles (if applicable): Please include photos when possible. You MUST post when the car is sold. If you do not and we find out that the car has sold, you will not be allowed to post again on PriusChat. Thank you for using PriusChat!