I just completed my first full reconditioning on my 2010 that was showing no signs of failure or codes. Unfortunately, my data collection plan failed for the first charge/discharge set but I did capture the rest. Notes: 1) Capture rate was set to 1 minute. 2) Only stabilized voltages we’re plotted. 3) The exact procedure outlined at Hybrid Automotive was followed using the current set of discharge values (134/101/84). 4) Total time was 5 days 18 hours. Enjoy. iPad ?
A GoPro set to 1 minute time lapse - I hope you weren’t thinking it was something fancy Maybe I’ll get a proper data-logger from Santa this year. iPhone ?
Your data graph was very helpful to me. It appears from your graph your best/last charged peaked around 243 volts. I had previously reached and stopped charging at 241 volts thinking that was as good as it will get but your experience indicated I might be able to achieve a higher top end charge if I run the charger longer.
Just purchased Prolong kit for my 2010. Can I expect an MPG increase? Dr. Prius says I have between 38-42% the few times I checked the life expectancy.
Maybe an mpg or 2, but the battery will be more stable. Never monitored with Dr. Prius, but I noticed that the battery was more stable in traffic. Enjoy your new DIY equipment.
Any tips on installing the harness? I’m assuming directions are easy to follow. I’m also thinking about cleaning the bus bars at the same time, but also trying not to electrocute myself as well. I’m adventurous DIY but usually learn by watching videos.
Hybrid Automotive has excellent pictures to accompany the install. Note that you are not touching the cells themselves, but the leads are where the harness is installed. Just pull the orange safety plug and test before touch to avoid any electrical issues.
Even though the orange plug is disconnected so you don't get the full zap from the entire pack, there is residual charge when connecting the positive lead for the harness to the far side terminal at the end of the pack. When wrenching that nut off then on, be careful not to make contact with the hybrid casing (or any ground for that matter) because you will get a quick zap as you just created a ground from the positive terminal to the case, and anything in-between.