Has anyone replaced their 12v before truly needing to do so? Any wisdom in this? Mainly asking the 2012 guys/gals, but maybe someone in a 2013 has already done it, as well. Thanks for any feedback!
I have a 2013 and have been considering it myself. However I do use a battery tender nearly everyday to keep it topped off. I would like to replace with a full size battery but have not looked to deep yet. Just a thought. My other thought is how many times have you drain your battery? That would be a determining factor for me. Obviously the more times you drained it to where you needed a jump takes some of the life away each time.
I have never entertained the idea. Batteries don't just drop dead, they slowly degrade. So, I keep an eye on it. Mine almost like new at 50k. Now if I had ever drained it, that would be a different story. They don't play as nice after that.
2012, 50K miles. The original battery settles down to 11.9 volts soon after unplugging. No performance issues yet, but I thought I'd try to bring the voltage up by using a BatteryMINDer Charger/Maintainer/Desulfator System - Model# 1500.
I replace the 12V battery when it dies twice in a short amount of time. I'm still on the original battery. The first time, I probably left a light on. The second time the battery is probably dead. A dead battery won't strand me on the side of the road. A dead battery will strand me in a parking lot or at home or at work. Some one will be available to help me. That's how I look at it anyway. If I go to long term airport parking lot or some kind of trip, I bring my portable battery jumper/air compressor USB charger/flashlight/beacon.
I replaced my 2010's 12V at 80,000 miles (7.5 years). It was still running ok but I thought it's been long enough. I guess I could've taken a volt meter to check for sure but I'd rather not be left stranded.
2010 Prius II purchased in August 2009 and still have the original 12v. Just took a week long trip and left the Prius in long term parking. When I returned this afternoon, it started up. But I carry a portable jump pack and use the Battery MINDer 1510 monthly to ensure it stays in working order. It has never been drained down, so I feel comfortable "rollin' the dice" a little longer. But do what you feel comfortable with .
That is some miracle 8 year battery you got there. I keep reminding myself to buy the 1510 but still haven't. Next time, give me a call and I will drop you off at the airport. Don't pay those ridiculous long term airport fees. I got an SUV now.
The 1510 is around $49 on Amazon currently. Put it in your cart and I'm sure it will arrive. Thanks for the offer on SFO. It was $25 a day for long term parking, so it makes sense. Next trip I am also considering BART, and leaving my car with a coworker or something. $25 a day is highway robbery ! We'll have to see next time .
We dropped our daughter and son in law's vehicle at YVR, around 11pm, when they were coming home. They drove out around 2am. The charge: $60. Two days you see.