Anyone who has spent any time on PriusChat has bound to be annoyed by something. For me it varies from day to day, depending on my mood. I'll start this out with my #1 PC Pet Peeve: I'm an engineer. I love technical questions. I like to explain things until peoples' eyes roll back in their heads. What drives me nuts is when someone posts a technical question and I go to a lot of bother to write a really good answer, only to have my answer ridiculed or discarded out of hand. If your mind is already made up, then don't ask the question. Now if I ever make a mistake, that's a different issue... Tom
When a newbie asks a question and a member who has been on the forums for about two or three months jumps all over them for not searching first, and then I seach the posts of the person doing the jumping all over and find out they asked the exact same question in their own first post, and it had already been asked and answered at that time as well.
Slovenliness. Not bothering to make thoughts coherent (let alone interesting), not bothering even to clean up grammar, spelling, punctuation, thus dumping onto the reader most of the effort of achieving understanding. But, too, I find a strong correlation between slovenliness of presentation and slovenliness of argument, so at least I can ignore such posts without much risk of having missed anything worthwhile. MB
People with no sense of humour. People who keep asking the same question, completely ignoring the answers, belittling anyone who dares to disagree, and telling posters to stick to the subject, while going off on meaningless tangents. People who think 'this' is America (PriusChat has members from many countries) and they can either love it the way it is, or leave.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :huh: :mellow: Sounds like 60% of the posters of FHOP would be guilty of this one! And they know who they are....!
I sighed up about a week ago, and have seen a lot of down time on the forum. I know stuff happens, and hope this is just temporary. The search feature is a bit different, but works fine, better than most. Either I haven't found it, or it just not there, but the navigation for "Subscribed Threads" or "Search for threads with your posts" is a bit cumbersome. Many other forums (phpBB) have that feature after you sign up, right at the top, one click away. As for members, seems normal. There are always those (very few) that think a public forum is their own personal Blog Space, and continue to post "Verbal Diarrhea" for their own personal agenda.
Extremists! From those who think its their right to do what ever they want while waiting for the asteroid to hit (or the rapture to occur or whatever), to those good shepherds who take life and every decision soooo seriously. It sort of sucks the fun right out of having a Prius and chatting with other Prius owners...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jim O @ Nov 14 2007, 06:45 PM) [snapback]539691[/snapback]</div> Lots of members, lots of newbies driving demand on the server. I think that says something about the popularity of the Prius Posts-by-member are easily accessed through member profiles. Also "My Assistant" above gives your last 10 posts, which I use frequently. _________________________ My own #1 gripe about PriusChat: The rock-n-roll stars of the Prius world who make the rest of us look bad with their 60+ MPG tanks and then complain that their avg is down because of that!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Ichabod @ Nov 14 2007, 09:43 PM) [snapback]539758[/snapback]</div> Ok. My number 1 pet peeve is somehow having never tried the "My Assistant" feature and only learning about it after having been on this forum for nearly a year. Doh! :huh:
One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone acts very knowledgeable about something (and often belittles the person who asks the question in the first place), but then reveals themselves to be unable to properly answer the question. Basically, when someone refuses to say, "I don't know." However, I think this is a general feature of the internet more than anything specific with Priuschat.
Mine is people who sign up on a Prius-specific forum, and have damn-near nothing relevant to say about the Prius. I'm not sure that I need to hear how GM is no worse than Toyota in making dirty cars. That buying Toyota is un-American. That the Prius basically sucks. That Toyota was JUST as guilty as killing the ZEV mandate that brought us electric cars. :sigh: Why are those people here?
Huge re-quotes of posts. Far beyond all other issues. . Astoundingly enough, I don't mind answering newbie questions over and over, within reason. As those of us who are willing to keep doing that do so, we a> possibly re-write an answer even more clearly the second, third, fifteenth time, and b> provide more targets for the clueful to go search for. Or maybe it's just info-overload and one day the database is just going to explode. But that'll be from all the re-quoted useless text, not our tech discussions. . _H*
i think the most PO'd we ever got was the time someone accused us of being dishonest to avoid "biting the hand that fed us" so to speak. i did an admirable job restraining myself, i think, in my reply to that one. though had i posted what was really on my mind, i would have been banned from the site permanently. the whole shoot the messenger thing sucks.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(airportkid @ Nov 14 2007, 04:00 PM) [snapback]539677[/snapback]</div> No I'm didn't. I'll do what I want to be. After almost 4 years of Priuschatting, I have resolved to let others answer most of the mundane and redundant questions. After all, I truly believe that the best way to learn is to teach. But I will agree that there are times when the people providing the answers tend to get a little snippy with the newbie asking the question. Keep in mind that we were all newbies at some point. It's all relative.
Topic titles that don't describe the topic. For example... "HELP!" "What do you think?" "Why?" You know the stupid stuff that makes you not want to even see what it is because it could be anything! I usually ignore these topics unless it starts to get a lot of posts.
Kinda new to this forum, but so far the sarcasm in a few posts has bothered me a little. I like humor, but sarcasm is not something I want to deal with in my free time- I see enough of it at work. All in all, I have enjoyed my time here, and hope it will continue to be so........
Eh, nothing bothers me. Of course, nothing is something, so something bothers me. Really, though, this site is by far, the best site on the web for what it does, and all for free. So thanks to those who make the site what it is, and thanks to all who visit it.
I also hate the people who tell a new member to search for an answer but don't post a link to the search they did to ensure the search would provide a result. Or maybe they just jump without searching? I must say that overall PC is the best forum on earth.
People who have mahogany sloops. They're a scourge on PC. Esp if the wood is from Honduras. The quoting of massive posts for a 5 word reply is a close, close second. Your instead of you're is a distant second.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tripp @ Nov 17 2007, 04:38 PM) [snapback]541017[/snapback]</div> Yea, those people just annoy the crap out of me! Tom