Ok so this is old news but I finally found the video of the event and thought I'd share it with all of our new Geniii owners. It was an awesome event. Meeting all of my PriusChat friends in person was pretty cool too.
There was a car? I was too busy drinking the free drinks and making bad toasts. I wonder how many I'd had by that time. :-/
Well I was the funny looking guy talking about the dashboard layout and keeping your eyes on the road. Rae Vynn was the one rolling. around on the floor in the colorful dress. Tony is the white-haired drunk guy at the end of the video. PatSparks is the red-haired Aussie that made a giant Toyota symbol in the snow at the Hotel lawn. Ohh wait, that wasn't in the video. Darrelldd was the caffeinated guy talking about this is the best gasoline car you can buy. There were a lot of us there but not everyone made it into the video. I think they just focused on us drunk people. Man those candy alcohol things were good!
In the group photo shot, there were a lot, too many to name unless I check another thread. The chief engineer was in the suit in the front and center. The video was a bit out of sequence as the group photo shot didn't happen until the end. People that I can spot off hand from the other scenes/shots, from memory w/o careful checking: myself, darelldd, john1701a, Doug Coleman of Prius Team, patsparks, usbseawolf2000, Rae Vynn, galaxee, Bill Merchant (?), TonyPSchaefer, Fire Engineer. I might've made a few mistakes and probably left out a whole bunch, not counting the group shot.
Ya gotta give it to Darelldd - 12 seconds into the video, he's telling Doug, "It's the best gas car that money can buy - that's all there is to it!" Yep - he just HAD to slip that thing about 'gas' in there. I'm thinking Doug was wishin' he could crush his RAV4-EV. :rant: Can I have permission to post the picture of all you mods being $h1T faced? . . . I mean ... without being banned? Yep! lucky number 13 in the group photo ... between boo and Bill. By slippin' the group shot into the video, we all got at least 3 seconds of glory ... except me - because RayVynn stuck her arm right in front of my beautiful mug. Ah - yes, Detroit in the winter time. Wasn't it about -2 degrees when we arrived? Froze my lil' you know whats off. Seems like it was only yesterday. .
There were several other videos from this event that were featured on the Toyota web site. That was definitely a good time. Tom
My tongue's loose enough as it is. I don't need any help finding trouble. Just ask....no, never mind. I was standing right there when Doug asked him "So, Darell, have we met your expectations?" I'm not sure what answer he was expecting, but he looked hurt. The RAV 4 is still working well, last I heard. All in all, it was a great weekend, over far too soon. Thanks again, Toyota.
Do you have any pics of Stangle in his tie dyed shirt chugging the chocolate beverage he stole from one of the bars? I just remember sitting on the bus watching him chug. LOL Or Pat's Aussie flag in the reception room?
Well, the lap dance that I'm talking about, I got... it wasn't Hill, though. I must have missed that part of the festivities.