Ok, everyone, here's an update on the PriusChat Certified Dealer Program: I have several dealers on board on both coasts and hope to have deals finalized so that I can announce them all soon. So far I can let everyone know that Dianne at Carson Toyota is on board and Andy (Sales Manager) at Magnussen's Toyota in the Sacramento area is in, as well. There are many other dealerships that I hope to have finalized deals done today and will announce this weekend or early next week. Here is what you, as a PriusChat member, will get by pre-ordering through a PC Certified Dealer: Required: A minimum $500 discount off of the 2012 Prius Plug-in MSRP, on both the Standard and the Advanced model. Free PriusChat swag when you come to pick up their 2012 Prius Plug-in. One year free PriusChat Premium membership. Dealer agrees to not require add-ons or warranty programs. I'll have a submission form up later today for you to send your info to one of our participating dealers. For those who have are planning on ordering through Dianne and have already talked with her about it, make sure she knows you're coming through the PriusChat program so that you get all of the bonuses that come with it. If you have already been talking to a dealer and would like for them to participate in this program, please use the Contact link above to send me their contact information. I still have not heard a firm go live date for the online ordering system but I'll keep everyone updated as I receive information.
I picked up my PiP but the dealer knew nothing about Priuschat swag. And what is and how do I get my Priuschat premium membership? Thanks!
The premium membership is not implemented as of yet. More info on the swag: http://priuschat.com/forums/toyota-prius-plug-in/106714-pc-swag-arrived.html#post1524623