I apologize if this question has been answered before, but I have screaming 8-month-old twins here so I don't have time to search. Speaking of them, I had them all loaded into the car for a grocery run this morning and then the car wouldn't start! It is a 2011 Prius level 2... never had a problem before now. The brake pedal won't fully depress, and when I push the start button, I get a big fat nothing and a check engine light. When I got out of the car, I also heard a quiet "clicking" sound coming from the hood. I am unable to lock the car - when I push lock, I get the long beep as if my key is inside, but I am holding it in my hand. I am hoping that someone will be able to tell me this is some common problem of which I'm unaware or give me some tricks to try before I call the dealership. Being stuck inside alone with my twins all day is not ideal especially when we have nothing for dinner... thanks in advance all.
Sounds like the 12vdc battery is low, or dead, but I am no expert. WoW, twins! I Will say a prayer for you!
Um, thanks all. Upon putting the kids down for a nap (which is perhaps the greatest brain booster ever) I thought about it and realized that that must be what it is. I feel pretty dumb. DH gets home in a few hours and we will try to jump. I blame the brain fart on TMS, Twin Mom Syndrome. Getting out of the house by myself is a pretty Herculean task and having it foiled just when I thought I was in the clear for 20 blissful minutes of adult-only time... well. Brain went byebye. I am surprised to have to deal with this only 3 years in. But even buying a new battery is preferable to a tow to the dealership.
I would suspect you might have left a light on in the car, it's not common for a 2011 to have a failure so early......although it's definitely possible.