I was working on my 2010 Prius with 151k I was changing the rear brake's pad, so I disconnected the Orange fuse box in the trunk and the white cable going into the front fuse box while I was doing this one of the screw got stripped. So I had to order the special tool off the Amazon, it took almost a week to get, and the car was unplugged for that long time with all the four doors closed. After I replace the brakes pad, caliper. I plug the fuse box and front cable in the fuse box. When I'm trying to start the car it would not start I'm getting this message saying check the hybrid battery, so I thought maybe my jump box is weak I fully charged my jump box, and it didn't work I also use the jumping cable and let the other car started for 20-30 minutes I was thinking maybe this will charge the battery on my Prius, but I didn't do anything good. I don't know what's going on, someone can help me out thank you
I think you are asking about trunk's orange fuse box? I did that, let me check on it one more time and I will let you know.
When I look at your photo, I see "check hybrid system". Changing just one word in a message, like "system" to "battery", can sometimes throw you off the track. If rechecking the interlock switch as bisco suggested doesn't solve the problem, a good next step would be to get the trouble codes from the hybrid system, which will probably tell you exactly what it wants.
The white cable eliminated the chance of the brake system waking up for its self-test exercise while the brake calipers were apart. The orange service plug would have been an excess of caution for a brake job, but excess caution beats insufficient caution ....
It's good to disconnect the 12 volt, for the reason @ChapmanF mentioned. Disconnecting the hybrid system's orange safety plug is pointless AFAIK. When the dust settles: raise the rear of the car, and verify the the rear wheels are relatively free-spinning with a push. If not, it could be the caliper piston is misaligned. It has a cross-pattern, that MUST be oriented like "X", not this: "+". More info in the attachment.
Happened to me. I forgot to slide the orange hybrid battery fuse over to the right. Once I did, the check hybrid system cleared after a few starts.