Haven't posted much recently, but have been active going to car shows. Have one a total of 53 awards at this point, but yesterday took the cake. I went to a car show at a high school sponsored by the Parent-Teacher-Student-Association. Unbeknownst to me, parents and students were doing the judging. When the trophies were called out, I figured I had won nothing for the day, which happens at least 50% of the time. I was not a winner in the import or special interest categories where I am usually assigned. I waited till the last winners were announced, and when they announced "Best of Show" - the 2007 Toyota Prius, I was stunned. Are you kidding me? Out of 60 Corvettes, Mustangs, muscle cars, customs, and antiques. I was Best of Show. Never expected that.
Harold, See: Starfleet Engineering Doc, see what happens when you don't post much, your legend fades. Congratulations!
This inspired me to update the Awards page on my website. Added the new stuff, but left out all the 2nd and 3rd places wins, "Top 25", and any duplicates in each category.
i absolutely love what you've done to your car, doc. i asked my wife if i could do it to ours and she went off. so i guess there'll be no shuttlecraft decals for me.