When comparing the gasoline-electric Prius with the diesel-electric Citroen, I would have to go with the Casino Royale Prius. Toyotas are engineered better and the Prius is not just a side-show green car. Toyota actually engineered it like a Toyota. The Citroen is sleek and handles well, but the Prius turns better and handles better on the highway. I'm interested to see what Saab does with the green car revolution. We all worry about acceleration and part replacement costs when talking about green cars. The better we do in these departments, the more a green car will feel like a diamond in the rough. I wish Americans would make green cars that compete. I'd love to see a Ford Taurus hybrid. Right now, companies like Mitsubishi and Saab are leading the way, however. For years, Nissan and Toyota have been making automobiles that feel great to Americans. The Nissan Altima hybrid is a great green choice, but for now, the Prius has that something extra.
You can not compare a car that is on the market for 11 years (Prius) vs. a concept car (307 diesel hybrid). The cost premium for diesel+emission hardware plus electric components are just too much that it doesn't make sense. Gas-electric plug-in (10 miles) hybrid would cost less and get better MPG than diesel hybrid.