“You realize, all you L.A. people driving Priuses — your work has been undone,” Noah said. “All you managed to do is drive an ugly car.” I think it is time to write some hate mail! LOL Trevor Noah says California gas leak thwarts Prius drivers: You’ve been driving an ugly car for nothing! iPhone ?
Haha, love it. My coworker used say every time he peels out in his muscle car, he's releasing all the emissions I'm saving from my Prius for the month.
Prius have been declared ugly at least since 2001. I think they look like many other cars, they just work better. And um, at some gasoline price level, save you money, Without regard to fuel prices, their low maintenance saves you money. Resale prices are a whole 'nother thing, and I think they are not ugly in that regard either. But hater gonna hate.
This joker can take his opinion to where the sun don't .................... How many of our wonderful cars been sold? What other car can drive a car without a the usual transmission?, I give up, people just don't get it. In the meantime, more and more car companies are building Hybrids, so this sucker can just eat his own words. Ugly? The AMC pacer was ugly!! But the AMX Javelin kicked butt!! If he thinks the 2010-15 Prius design is ugly, what does he think of the Pontiac Vibe? Or how about the beautiful Juke?
He is a tool, the product of the cancer of Liberal political correctness that has infested our country, just Black enough and constantly talking trash about theUSA ........and Enzo is quite sexy!
Cars as (generally road-dependent) personal transportation appliances have now been on the scene for just over a century. Their structure and appearance derived from horse-drawn carriages at first, but later were free to diverge. To what extent 'appearance' has dominated functionality in perceived values through this time might be a fascinating topic to explore. Prius has played some role, but maybe not so large in a century+ view. I do firmly believe that there is less manufacturing cost (more profit) in designing for appearance than functionality. Thus noise about what is ugly won't end anytime soon. Car manufacturers play a competitive game, and win by leading (misleading?) a rather malleable consumer marketplace.
The only part of the car I see when driving are the instruments and beyond the glass mounts. Everything else doesn't matter to me. Bob Wilson
Every car I drive is for my own satisfaction. Other people can choose whatever transportation they want, and I couldn't care less.