Prius Two head unit question

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by steverw, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. steverw

    steverw New Member

    Jan 2, 2013
    2012 Prius
    I'm a new Prius owner (last of the 2012 Twos), happy to be more than doubling my mileage, but also wearing an unexpected grin over Power mode and cornering capability. Thinking I need some nice bat wings for it (I'm going to be on the other side of the bell curve from the hypermilers, at least at first).

    Anyway, the reason for this post is that I have added speakers and an amp (Pioneer C720PRS 6.75" components, woofers in the front doors, tweeters in the dash, Alpine 445 powerpack amp) but left the base-level head unit in place. I'm not getting the sound I would have expected. The audio dealer says it's because the head unit is running EQ curves specific for the original speakers that compensate for those speakers characteristics, and because my speakers have different characteristics, these EQ curves are having unpleasant effects (extreme brightness, recessed vocals, booming bass). He says these EQ curves are being applied even with the treble/mid/bass sliders at 0, and the only way to deal with it is to add another digital processor between the head unit and the amp that can apply a "counter EQ". But I'd rather not spend the money, and I don't like the idea of all that processing.

    Does anyone know if there is a way to bypass or disable this factory EQ in the base head unit?

    Another option I was wondering about was to upgrade the head unit to one of the navi head units I've seen discussed here, would that have pure non-EQed outputs? Are there any other head units that integrate into the Prius correctly that have bypassable EQ?

    Thanks in advance for any advice!
  2. frodoz737

    frodoz737 Top Wrench

    Aug 26, 2010
    2015 Prius
    Though my opinion is subjective, Toyota is not known for installing the best sound systems in the Prius, though recent improvements have reportedly been made. Junk the factory HU. Your speakers and amp appear compatible with each other on paper. You state having a Level II 2012 so that means Double-DIN, no JBL, no Hands-Free, correct? Go to
    and do a search imputing your vehicle and desires. Then go to your local install shops and check them out first hand. Get the wiring diagram specific for you car. I recommend the Toyota Trim piece (surround). Check with Metra Metra Online | Welcome to Metra Auto Parts Online Warehouse for needed adapter harnesses. If you have done this yourself before, this car is real easy. If not, study up on spidermans sticky 2010 Toyota Prius model II Head Unit Upgrade | PriusChat, or have someone do it for you. Everyone is a fan-boy when it comes to car stereos, I personally think Kenwood provides a better product. The most important things are do your research, take your time and match your equipment electrically; example all components rated 4Ω. Hope that helps and best of luck.

    frodoz Stereo Upgrade | PriusChat
  3. steverw

    steverw New Member

    Jan 2, 2013
    2012 Prius
    Hello frodoz737,

    Thanks for the reply! The fact that folks like you and Spiderman went the aftermarket HU route makes a telling point that this is the way to go for audio SQ. But the display is used for non-audio tasks also like setting options for things like keyless remote, windows, etc.. It's not clear to me what happens when this display is no longer there and I need to interact with one of these other screens. Are there aftermarket HUs that keep all these other non-audio functions available? I have read Spiderman's docs and have done quite a bit searching on this forum, but somehow I can't find a clear answer on this (unless the answer is to use OBD-II commands). By the way, my head unit does include BT handsfree but at a basic level (it does not support passing voice control to the cellphone like my $20 BT headset does, still have to use your hands for dialing).
  4. spiderman

    spiderman wretched

    Jul 5, 2009
    2010 Prius
    That is one thing us pre-12 genIII owner's (or at least the lower level models) didn't have to worry about,,, the functions available on the HU. Just for documentation, could steverw list all the functions that you have access to via the HU?

    Some of those functions probably can be performed though a series of steps, some through ODBII but I imagine some like the remote configuration (?) would have to be via CAN.? That is not possible w/o TechStream I believe.

    Tough call, I can see your predicament.
  5. frodoz737

    frodoz737 Top Wrench

    Aug 26, 2010
    2015 Prius
    My apologies as I was not aware the 2012 Base HU had additional vehicle interfaces, as it looked the same. shawnB2 encountered this problem with his 2010? Level V JBL system with self parking and other interfaces, and eventually just said screw it and put in a Kenwood. He was one of my inspirations early on. As Spidey eluded to, you will have to do your research on this one. I was able to talk to a few Toyota Techs (Mechanics) about my options with the Base and JBL system for my year model prior to purchasing my car. "Yes Sir, Thank you, Please"...goes a long way if you can catch the right one. Find their "wire guy" if you can and reward them as you see fit. Some of the hack shacks may be of help, but not usually for specifics like this. By the way, my stock system had no BT keys on the steering wheel, but there are ways around that. My solution is located under the bridge, below where I usually rest my right hand. Mic is located in the overhead where the Factory item would have been. Works great for me. All quality installations are unique and involve compromise and ingenuity. What ever you learn, pass it on to the members and visitors here. (y)

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