Last Thursday I was t-boned on the passenger side by a driver running a red light at a busy four lane intersectiion at 50 miles an hour. My car rolled over and into a Mack truck. The car landed upside down and I crawled out of the driver side door that someone opened for me. I, amazingly enough, escaped with minor injuries and will be fine. The car, of course, was totaled. I feel very lucky and wanted everyone to know how well the car did in the accident, so far as protecting me. I feel I have experieced a miracle. Here's a picture of the passenger side. [attachmentid=4562]
Wow...I'm sorry to hear about your accident, congratulations for making it out alive. The Prius has a great safety record, and we've heard many stories of people walking away from horrific accidents with only bumps, scrapes and soreness. It's a great testament to the improvements in auto safety.
Glad you're okay, that looks nasty! Being a crash test dummy isn't much fun, but it sounds like your Prius did it's job of protecting you well. I'll bet you're pretty sore since it was only 3-4 days ago, hope you're feeling better...
Pricilla, There are two things I hope you keep in mind: 1) It's just a car and completely replaceable. 2) We're glad you're okay and still with us here on Priuscaht. Ok, perhaps three things: 3) Make sure their insurance buys you a brand new Prius and since there is practically no depreciation they owe you full price!
oh my... i'm glad you're ok! 50 mph, wow. so the car isn't ok, but it did its job and kept you safe. that's what matters. hope you're feeling well and that this is taken care of quickly.
Wow. I am very glad to hear you are okay. That sounds terrifying. Good luck with the insurance companies and I hope you have a new Prius soon!
Thank goodness you are okay. Incredibly, the rear door glass appears to be unbroken? Even after being upside down? That is some roof strength! I am utterly convinced that this car is ultra-safe. Good luck getting a new Prius! Nate
I keep seeing these pictures of crashed Prius and have to think that Toyota did something right in keeping the passengers safe. Sorry to hear you were in an accident and hopefully all will return to normal soon. Good luck finding a new vehicle.
I'm so glad that you're OK and that there was nobody in the pasenger's seat. It reminds me of a very similiar accident my wife was in. The impact didn't flip the car but it did fling our Corolla FX into a heavy pole. The pole intruded into the rear passenger space by nearly a foot, bending the floor and the roof. Luckily it was behind her head, even if less than a foot. Thinking of that still sends shivers through us and makes us feel so grateful. I wonder how often these red light runners think back on how they nearly killed someone. I the driver who hit you is OK and much more careful in the future.
Glad to hear you are OK, that was a nasty hit. I agree with TonyP. Insist on full replacement. If the their insurance company gives you any lip, just mention the magic words . . . “Why should I suffer, it wasn't my fault.†“I hope this doesn't turn into a big pain in the neck for me.†“I have to end this conversation now, because this is making me feel dizzy and I need my strength to make it to my appointment to see a doctor later today.†And by all means, DO see a doctor. It is wise to see your doctor for a check-up. Many people report symptoms many days after a severe accident . . . and it scares the bejezus out of insurance companies when you tell them you have an appointment with a doctor. So, will it be another black Prii? I'm sure the powers that be in the Cool Chicks in Black Prius club will allow you to remain a member in good standing [ imagine the stories you have to tell at their next social function] until you get your replacement Prius. And if it is anything other than black, expect to be unceremoniously kicked to the curb.
dont accept anything less than a new Prius from the Insurance..and dont forget to SUE the driver that ran the light !
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ Aug 21 2006, 10:17 AM) [snapback]306762[/snapback]</div> EXACTLY what SPE said (ESPECIALLY the magic words to use with the insurance company)...except, we will NOT kick you to the curb, but we will be somewhat miffed. Be/get well, and good luck!
Wow, I'm so glad to hear that you turned out ok with a few minor scrapes. Hope you're not feeling too sore or banged up in the aftermath. It looks like the car took the beating for you, and kept you pretty much safe and sound. I keep reading about collisions involving Priuses and drivers/passengers being able to walk away with minor injuries (or none at all) because the Prius took the brunt of the crash and protected those inside. Ditto what others have said with regards to doing your best at getting a new Prius from the insurance co. B)
Glad you walked away, it's wonderful to see that the Prius protected you so well (it's happened to me so I'm not surprised). If you haven't already done so, I suggest checking with your state's insurance regulators to see for yourself what the insurance company's obligations are just so you can feel confident about any settlement you accept. With luck, the last serious question to answer will be "Regular Prius or Touring Edition?"
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Aug 21 2006, 08:16 AM) [snapback]306642[/snapback]</div> Exactly what Tony said. And go save your floor mats, cargo cover, trim rings and everything else that isn't nailed down. Clean out the glove box; take the manuals and even the little plastic wedge. Even if you can't use them on your next car, you can sell them on ebay. (I need an oil dipstick if they let you go under the hood.) BTW....did you have a BT plate? If so, any chance of removing that so we can see what it looked like?
Wow!! I am so glad you are OK. It seems to be amazing what todays cars can protect us from. Side curtain air bags. I bet you are glad you had those! I try to talk everyone to get all the safty features optional or otherwise when they get a new car. Look at a thread in the Washington state group. Much less damage and the car was totaled.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ Aug 21 2006, 12:17 PM) [snapback]306762[/snapback]</div> And exactly what Sufferin Prius Envy said. In fact, print it out and keep a copy by every phone you own. If you own a cell phone, carry a copy with you. Read it verbatim. DO SEE A DOCTOR. I was rear-ended on a Thursday and saw a Doctor on Friday. I wasn't in any pain and he said I might have a little pain develop and to take some aspirin. By Monday I was in agony. I couldn't get an appointment for another two weeks. (I was advised to go to the Emergency room by the nurse. When I said I had already seen the Dr. about this and was told to come back, she said to "make something up" to go to the emergency room, then while I was there say "And by the neck hurts...." No wonder our insurance premiums have gone up and Emergency Rooms are maxed out.) Instead I went to a chiropractor that afternoon and continued for six months. Best thing I ever did. You got hit on the side so you'll have different issues but wait 3-5 days to see what happens. And don't sign anything that releases them from medical liability. They'll try to get you to sign something immediately because they know stuff won't show up for a few days to a week or more. Don't sign anything yet. Oh, and you'll probably have to get a lawyer. Too soon to act on that now....but I was rear-ended and the guy admitted it was his fault to his insurance company; he was following too close and going too fast, but I still had to get a lawyer.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Aug 21 2006, 01:07 PM) [snapback]306811[/snapback]</div> Definately see a doctor, and definately don't sign ANYTHING without legal advise first... Depending on your insurance, they may offer to help fight for you... after all, if the other guys insurance refuses to pay out, then you'll be filing a claim with them. My father got rear ended a few years ago, and our insurance agent imediately stepped in to handle everything with the other person's insurance agent... now that i have my own policy seperate from my parents, i know it's part of my policy that my agent will pretty much handle everything, including pulling in one of the lawyers they have on retainer in a situation such as this.