Hi Just wanted to share this with people. My wife recently confessed that she has occasionally expected to our Prius to change from Drive to Reverse just because she has 'thought' about it. The Prius seems to anticipate her every other need, so somehow she feels she sometimes expects her to anticipate her wish to change direction. It's also possibly something to do with the park brake, which she says sometimes feels subconsciously like a 'clutch'. My wife is exceptionally bright, her IQ was measured recently by a psychology student and was 'in the top 0.0001%' The Prius, however, refuses to change gear based on mental telepathy!
I'm defininitely prone to making the same mistake. I did it the 2nd time I drove a Prius. I'm still waiting for delivery of mine, so I hope I can get used to it. One solution for avoiding the mistake would be to have 2 accellerator pedals in stead of the reverse gear. To go backwards, you would press the second accellerator, which would fit on the left of the brake pedal. Admittedly, this could confuse someone who is used to the clutch being in this position, but I don't think it would be a big problem, as the accellerator would sit much lower. Once used to the arrangement, I think it would work much better.
I agree with the wife! Don't ya just love this car? BTW, nice avitar! What is that behind the ladybug? looks like smoke or is she in water? good photo!
Isn't the ladybug pic a Mac OS X desktop background? And I'll wager that it's on water. cool shot. Hmmm, telepathy huh...I'm thinking of a number between 40 and 60 MPG...
Well, it does unlock when you touch the door handle. And if someone else touches it, it does not unlock. So it recognizes the owner by telepathy. But this is the first I've heard of someone expecting the car to switch to reverse by telepathy. That belief could be dangerous.
There's a reason they call it "Synergy Drive." If you can't telepathically shift to reverse, you need to work on your mental projection techniques. And the ladybug (OSX Tiger Desktop) is sitting on the end of a leaf...
I have to admit something similar. I was driving my wifes 2003 Honda Odyssey (let's not get into mpg here ). I parked, tried to open the eletronic side door, and it wouldn't go. Manually opened it, got the kids out, did my shopping, and when I returned the same problem happened. Perplexed, I figured I'd fix it when I got home (I am a former mechanic). When I tried to start the van, it wouldn't crank. What could it be? Ah yes! This van will allow you turn the key to the lock position without putting it into park! Luckilly I use the parking brake at all times! I'm so used to stopping and hitting the power button I forgot to put this van into park! Duhhhhhhh.
Both my wife's and my Prius do have a mind of their own. Everything was fine for all this time with both of them in the garage together. Now one, then the other, has decided, on their own, to lock the doors without being asked. They never used to do that. Is it a conspiracy???
Sorry, I have no idea where I got the photo from. I collect lots of art off the web that appeals to me.
Actually, I have the assumption that Rudy will achieve sentience, eventually. After all, our Buick has.