I was just reviewing the sticker from my Prius -- and noticed that in the EPA Fuel Economy Estimates, the mpg range for midsize cars goes from 10-39 mpg with the arrow for the Prius all the way to the right on ... "39," the highest number. Shouldn't Toyota have stuck the arrow way to the right of the scale? That would have been a great selling point! It's kinda funny to see "50" as the fuel Economy with that insufficient scale (for the Prius) below it. Also, the estimated annual fuel cost is a whopping 900 bucks! Of course, that's way low because of the fuel economy of the Prius. But ... looking through the Standard Equipment list, the ONLY feature listed in ALL CAPS and highlighted with asterisks, at the bottom of the list, is **FULL TANK OF GAS**. As if that's a huge feature to consider when buying a PRIUS that gets 51/48 mpg. LOL Oooo -- forget all the other items on the car, you get that full tank of gas from the dealer for a car that sips it! I guess it's not so ironic when you consider that's more than 500 miles worth on 12(ish) gallons, though.
I was at CarMax with a friend last Saturday helping her find a car and they only had one Prius on the lot so they put it on the showroom floor with a sticker that said "25 + mpg" on the windshield in bright yellow letters. Which I thought was underselling it a little maybe it was the only windshield sticker they had?
Sometimes I'm surprised and entertained at what seems to sell a vehicle. A lot of times it becomes something mundane. I've read threads and talked to people who's $30,000+ vehicle purchase hinged on the fact the the salesman gave them a free cup of coffee and a donut. Or because they threw in floormats. I've seen people chose and pay more for one vehicle over another because the one vehicle comes with some "extra" that you can easily purchase for less than 10 dollars at Wal-Mart. I mean cupholders are nice? But go to any shopping stores auto section and count the cupholder options you can buy for less than $10. If I was a dealership, or a salesman, I'd always keep some unadvertised extra's that I could throw in. To me? It shouldn't really matter, but I've seen the tipping point between Buy or Pass be as simple the promise of a full tank of gas, or floormats... Most dealerships will give you that first tank of gas free. And as far as the big picture of purchasing a vehicle it shouldn't matter too much...BUT it does. About a year ago, I had to have some bodywork done on my vehicle. So I "tried" to research local bodyshops. Unfortunately what I found when I read the reviews...was that the majority of the reviews would be positive, but not because of the quality of the bodyshops work, but because the front man, or estimator, was friendly and listened to their story about the wreck, and gave them a free cup of coffee... I had a hard time finding tangible reviews, that actually evaluated the quality of the work done. Most of them were...This Bodyshop is great, I recommend it...Bob Johnson is a great guy, he made me feel good about my wreck and gave me free coffee... Free tanks of gas? Floormats? A cup of Coffee and Danish? It's all worth it, to the seller.
When my friend finally narrowed it down to a car to test drive and turned the key and the radio played "The Humpty Dance" she said "it's a sign" and bought the damn car. So sometimes it can be something the car lot can't control but makes total sense to the buyer.
The dealer isn't GIVING anyone a free tank of gas. Toyota is paying them to deliver a car with a full tank. I suspect every manufacturer does it. Listing it should prevent the dealer from charging for it or not delivering it.