I want to look at adding a second bank of batteries and making my series 10 in to a PIP anyone know an average current running on battery even if i can get 30 miles on battery that would be good. I think there must be somone out there that has done this. Thanks.
welcome to priuschat. all the best with your project! keep us informed of your progress and take plenty of pics please.
Where are you located? The NHW10 is not found in North America so knowing where gives an idea of what resources are available. Is the car working OK today? In the pre-PIP world, one of the better solutions was a battery pack with a DC-to-DC converter that adds charge to the traction battery pack. In particular it allows a 'soft start' that avoids spiking the traction battery voltage. You also have a challenge with defeating the ground-fault detector. The ZVW30 has a square-wave imposed on the traction battery buss used to detect shorts to the car chassis. This will have be blocked between the traction battery and the DC-to-DC converter. Then there is the problem of the existing 'control laws.' We know the NHW11 has strict laws requiring the engine coolant to reach 70C before it can transition into 'hybrid mode.' I don't know that anyone has done similar work with the NHW10. This is a 'hobby' project, not your primary transportation, right? The reason is having the car fail due to an experiment can be pretty bad if it is supposed to be your transportation to work and shopping. Bob Wilson
Thanks for the fast replys. I gather about 12miles is about all you get from a full charge running on battery only. So if i can get doiuble that it will be worth it. Yes it is just a hobby car I am in Brisbane Australia so not a lot out here but i managed to pick up a old girl that has 160Kl and a dead battery. I got hold of a good pack today from the wreckers and hope that will make the car go. I am on a steep learning curv so will be relying on others here to steer me in the right direction. I wont be doing anything in a hurry will be looking at the cells in the original battery first to see how many have failed. Then ill take it from there. I understand that some dead cells can be rejuvenated with discharge and recharge. The owner at the car wreckers is a bit of a prius fan and gave me heeps of good advice I hope to keep in touch and with help from here should be a worth wile project. Fuel here is about $5.70 a gallon Beer is cheeper but my car wont run on that. Thanks again ill let you know how it goes.
I would recommend joining this YahooGroup: Mk1_Prius : Mk1 Prius (Japanese export) global owners group. When I was a member many years ago, it looked like a lot of clever work being done. GOOD LUCK! Bob Wilson