Yea, NuShrike, what do you mean by that? I think it was just self-deprecating humor, in which all Prius owners were included.
Man.. I'll have to be like Bill Merchant and post SARCASM in big letters or something. When you have to explain a joke... Remember there's all these articles in CNN, Consumer Reports, WSJ, NYT, etcetc nay sayers talking about how uneconomical, won't pay for itself, doesn't get the MPG numbers, isn't really that efficient, not worth the premium, it's stupid, etcetc hybrids are? Well, the sales figures sure don't respect their "truths". The real truth is in the numbers, and people DO get it better than these "news" sources.
I wish I knew how to attach a spread sheet on this forum, the spread sheet I built would convince all! I made it so you could change the MPG numbers on the prius and the car it replaces and it shows you your savings over 210000 miles. Both my Priuses will be justified. I not just talking the premium Im saying "total cost". If anyone wants a copy let me know it was a blast to make and I am convinced I could sell more Priuses than any dealer!!! Of course so could you guys. B)
said it before and i will say it again, i think the Prius would easily be # 2 in sales for Toyota overall if they had the product to sell