Does Toyota offer any kind of roadside assistance if the Prius has any mechanical failures or hybrid system related problems? If your car doesn't start will they pay to have it towed or are you SOL? Thank you
When I bought my 2004 Prius Toyota had roadside assistance for 1 year. However, that was discontinued in 2005.
WE have one year road side assistance from Toyota here in the UK. Personally I didn't care they offered it or not because I don't expect my Prius to break down just after a year.
No, that's a benefit of Lexus (4 years roadside assistance), at least in the U.S. Just carry a AAA card and you'll be fine.
If you have Toyota safety connect, which comes with the Navigation Package on a IV and V, then you get roadside assistance free for the first year. Anyone know how much it costs after the 1st year?
yes, enough that I wasn't interested in prepaying for the Saftey Connect in advance, and I have not used it yet...and probably won't, I have a cell phone & AAA, I have the triple A to get a discount on insurance, mostly
Yeah, they asked me if I wanted to "prepay" automatically for years following the first "free" year. I said "what???" and declined. I probably won't renew unless it is really cheap. I have AAA and this is redundant. The technology is interesting though. The car has a built in cell phone, and uses the nav to tell them where you are. Anybody know what the yearly rate for this is?
If I remember, it was like $175-200/year, and went down a bit for multiple years, I didn't see the value in it, years ago (2000) I had a new GMC 3500 (Suburban, before I changed jobs and my new job was in downtown Boston), it had "OnStar", and I used that for a while, at that time they gave you your own cell #, so I was able to make/receive calls on it, so it was somewhat usefull, and even that I didn't keep for very long.
I am in the first free year of Safety Connect, and I have had AAA for quite awhile, so road service is redundant. Last used it when I stupidly ran the Audi out of gas in a snowstorm at the end of a Colorado road trip just a mile from my Santa Fe exit. The guy with the gas can was there in a few minutes, and got an appropriately generous tip. However, like OnStar, Safety Connect does collision notification, other emergency assistance, and stolen vehicle help for law enforcement (although the car is hard to steal). So I'm not sure if I will continue it or not.