The 9 of us "Prius Experts" helped design a Plug in decal which will debuted at the 2011 LA Auto Show. And there's a page showing it now on the Prius Plug in website: Prius Plug-in: Expert Decal
I want to also add that while we all had input into the thought process much of the Thanks should go to Russell Frost of What Drives Us fame. Without him and Toyota this whole project would never have been possible so thanks Russell and Toyota from myself and I'm sure the other Experts as well!
I unfortunately don't have an answer for that as well... Some Expert I am lol. Maybe by the time the LA Auto Show starts November 18th, we'll now more about that project.
As I recall, the decal should be available for sale, but I don't know if it will be through Toyota, through Russell, or some third party. Likewise, I have no idea about the other decals, I think we'll here more of those as Toyota's advertising agency is handling that project.
Sorry Evan, there are currently no plans to make the Prius Experts decal available for purchase. Erica
And now the rest of the signature series Plug-in decals are up for viewing and ordering as well: Toyota Prius Projects
Thanks. Think I'll pass on those particular decals. I think the Prius experts actually did a better job!
I really wonder what percentage of people want something extra like that on their car. I like how it looks 'naturally'.
While I don't generally like white/grey cars, and can't afford a PHV any time soon, if I got one, I sure would like to have the Experts decal on the would look SWEET on white or silver. Or grey or blue or ... Though I sure hope by the time I can afford one, if ever, they are available in red.
I just got an email from Paul at His graphic designers are working on a set of decals similar to this one with the word "Plug-In" in it. That's what I am going to get for my Prius Plug-In.