Can anyone tell me what my gen3 parasitic current should be when parked? I am getting 0.5 amps in park and the battery is discharged completely after several days. Am I seeing signs of a short? Oops my bad. I should have known that this questioned has been asked and answered by this awesome group. I had the hatch open, assuming there was no sensor. Will try again with hatch closed. After tightly closing back hatch parasitic current dropped to 0 after a couple of minutes. With hatch ajar current was 0.44.
this fella says 25ma prius-battery-keeps-dying and this is a helpful thread: parasitic-current-draw.217236
I got around 18 milliamperes, with spikes to around 40~45 every 5 seconds or so, which might have been the security icon on the dash.
NO. Assuming that your lights are normally all OFF......and the parasitic current is close to ZERO....... then you are seeing signs of a 12 V battery reaching the end of it's life. How old is your battery ? Outside chance it's not being charged enough but that almost never happens. Well except for folks who make only short trips between many days of non-use.
That's us. Our 8 year old battery lives spends all downtime connected to a CTEK 4.3 smart charger, tests like a new battery. @William11348o what's your usage like?
Battery is an Optima and is supposed to be realatively new. Need to ask previous owner if its still in warranty.
Optima started out being pretty good. Then they got BAD. Based on reports from owners. I don't know the current thinking but the glowing praises of Optima just aren't there anymore.
Our’s is an optima yellow top, installed September 2015, still testing like new. Could be prior to rumoured quality-drop though. Full disclosure: we are LOW usage, but I have it hooked up to a smart charger ‘round the clock during idle times.