Today, just had 2010 prius key fob programed. Lesson learned: DO NOT go to Toyota dealer!!! Over past month I went to 3 different dealers with key fob bought online from Remote Overstock on e-bay. Each dealer gave me a story of why they could NOT program fob after waiting 1 to 3 hours at each dealer! Examples of lame excuses: Hard key not cut (Not a problem) Battery dead (NO.) Hard key does not match fob (Not a problem.). One didn't even know the car needed to be in accessory mode to program the fob. Today, went to locksmith and 45 minutes later had fob programed. So surprised I then had them cut the hard key. Remote Overstock on e-bay was SUPER. They offered to refund or replace the fob, but they kept asking I try a locksmith from list they sent. No locksmith close to here, but no matter because the time I spent with the Toyota Dealers was in excess of 6 hours!! Plus drive time. Went to a locksmith and they programed the fob and cut the hard key. DO NOT GO TO TOYOTA DEALERS to have prius key fob programed.
What did the locksmith charge you? Doesn't Toyota charge like $400 for a new fob plus programming. If this is a less expensive route, that's really good to know. Where are you in Florida? I'm near Disney myself.