The prius just shut down on me while I was driving? Is this what the recall was about? Is the car ruined now? I just read that the glitch causes the hybrid system to overheat and shut off.
B.S. I call B.S. the day after the recall is announced some new member comes in and says that his car stopped or stalled on here. Hes messing with you. He's a TROLL !!!
and we also know that no Prius has stalled or lost all power do too the software issue none and yet this one troll comes in here and tells you that his car just stopped on them and is this part of the recall don't fall for that smarter than that. if this were my website,I'd kick him out of here ASAP
you should kick Alex out of this forum he's a troll this is all trolls do, they go from place to place trying to gain sympathy and empathy and its all fake. everyone I've seen in the forum appears to have accessory questions and just questions in general but , they're very well thought out . I call B.S. on this one. if I'm wrong I apologize but dollars to donuts I'm right I consider myself a good judge of character and I believe he's a TROLL !!
This is BS. Do you think Toyota would issue a recall on over a million vehicles if it didn't have a problem as stated? One of them being a potential loss of power and shutdown of the hybrid system? SCH-I535
just because you see a Prius sitting on the side of the road mind you with his lights on you would think if you was overheated or if he had electrical issues or some type of malfunction his headlights wouldn't be on maybe they wouldn't work I don't know the timing is too perfect you can think that it's really if you want to but I am NOT changing my stance on this subject thats all I have to say about it
No one is saying this is a real case or not. But we're not calling immediate BS either. The OP just asked if it might be, they didn't state it is. SCH-I535
He signed up last summer, so he isn't really new. There are multiple other ways to get stalls, and human nature tends to wonder if any stall today matches up to today's news about stalls. We have almost no information yet, nothing to rule out the other and more common causes. So far, he just appears curious. So it is very premature to label it a troll.
He might be a little busy ATM, if his Prius is in fact on a flatbed. Hence, his not posting again in this forum. SCH-I535
took my car into toyota for the recall today, software update tookabout 3 1/2 hrs and haven't noticed anything one way or another which is a good thing I didn't notice anything before so
Don't worry about your car it will be fine! If it is the recall it will be fixed under the recall at no charge I'm sure. Let us know how things work out for you!