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Prius Influencing Street Traffic?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Fuel Economy' started by HYACK, Jun 26, 2005.

  1. HYACK

    HYACK New Member

    Jun 12, 2005
    Cape and Islands, Massachusetts
    One observation during my first 200 miles in my Prius - as I perceived it: more cars around me, in residential areas, seem to be driving at my more "Tame" speeds?

    Off the start at Green lights too? I seemed to beat at least 50% of the traffic next to me within the first 100 yards off the start? I really don't drive that slow at all however, would have to describe my style as inconsistent, but within a reserved and rational range. But when I was even driving at my more conservative tone, I was just feeling the traffic immediate to my flanks or rear were going at my speed, set by me at least 50% of the time??

    One theory, if my perceptions are truly a documented phenom, is that avg drivers are starting to drive more in sentiment to the current gas-price/energy conundrum (e.g., when they suddenly are face to face with a Prius) and in sympathy to a generally positive affirmation of Hybrid transportation?

    Anyone else able to make this call?

    Just one view...have a good week all~
  2. victor

    victor New Member

    May 18, 2004
    Gilching Bavaria Germany, & Drapanos, Crete, G
    Maybe you are holding up the traffic by driving slower than average, and the others are just waiting to get past.

    I dont think there are enough Prius on the road to make a difference to the mad crowds.

    Some people may drive slower behind you to see what the car is. Ive noticed often at junctions cars creep forward and people strain to see the model badge.
  3. HYACK

    HYACK New Member

    Jun 12, 2005
    Cape and Islands, Massachusetts
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(victor\";p=\"101816)</div>
    Possibly the case Victor, good point... that others are just checking out the ride; but i was referring to 2-3 lane wide traffic in my residential areas, so I therefor wasn't holding up traffic next to me who I in my perception, was at my speed or even slightly slower at least 50% of my first miles.
  4. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Or trying to see who the driver is. I have, on occasion, beat the traffic even though I was accelerating as I normally would.
  5. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    We often would beat traffic off the starting line without even trying. We have the MG2 to thank for that. While they are in 1st gear and possibly still straining to get the torque to move, ICE simply revs sufficiently at its optimum speed to give MG2 the power it needs.
    No shifting either, with causes a delay for the other cars.
  6. tomdeimos

    tomdeimos New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Lexington, MA
    This is happening here too, but I don't think the Prius is the cause.

    I'm seeing lots more police cars stopping speeders and hardly ever saw them doing this over the last 5 years or so in MA.

    And people must be noticing. The other day I was on Rt 3 which has a 55 limit but people drive it at 65 to 75 ........ Well they still do this but everyone saw a police car just waiting for them, and the whole line of cars slowed to like 45 mph! I had to use my brakes!

    A year ago the line would have proceeded past the cops without any speed change.

    Another change is in school zones. I see many cars going 20 as per the speed limit. This never used to happen.

    There's been a lot of ads on TV too, warning people about the stepped up enforcement.