Yesterday my wife and daughter were in the Prius heading for the beach. A Cadillac CTS hit them on the driver's side doors. Wife and daughter will be visiting chiropractor for treatment; Prius will be visiting local body shop. Doors can open and close although driver's exterior door handle is not working. Does not look like any damage to the door frames.
I'm so sorry Patrick. Hope your wife and daughter will heal completely soon. * * * * * * * * Seeing your damaged side doors reminds me of a similar photo Pat Sparks posted recently of his Prius after he got hit: [IMGLINK][/IMGLINK]
Really sorry to hear about this Patrick, but am glad to hear that your family is reasonably OK? Will keep you and your family in thoughts and prayers, with thanksgiving that it was not worse.
Not for nothing Patrick but you seem to be having a string of bad luck. Hopefully the second half of 2009 will be kinder to you. Best of luck and hopefully your family is on the mend.
That's sad news, Patrick! Thankfully it was not worse. I'm hoping that all gets healed and fixed properly. Best wishes, Frank
I had almost identical damage to my Prius a year ago. Repairs cost about $1800 and took a week. But it looked brand new afterwards. Had to re-purchase body side moldings, as the repair shop didn't want to deal with an after-market item.
Do you know about how fast the Cadillac was going at the time? I hope your family recovers quickly. :-(
Amazing that the door jam is probably intact. That shows really good structural design in the area - usually a car gets hit there and it means major work to replace the jam. Glad everyone is relatively OK.
Thanks for the comments! Unfortunately my daughter is a college student and the annual cost of tuition/housing is equivalent to a well-equipped 2010... The speed limit is 40 mph, my daughter estimates she was going around 30 mph slowing down to make a right turn, so the other car was probably traveling at the same speed but veered right into our car. Yes, so far it looks like the LF door and the LR door outer shell will be replaced but the door jamb seems unaffected. Once the car is disassembled early next week then we'll know more. That's something that my good buddy Jelloslug would say!
That is exactly what I was htinking. I saw the thread and was more concerned with you, then your wife and daughter. Cars come and go.
Patrick, Sorry to hear about the accident. Sometimes cars are just cars. Thank goodness this one was a safe car. I hope your family has no lasting effects from this accident. Best Wishes!
I feel your pain Patrick. Mine is all better now as of 2 days ago. I hope the family come good quickly. Thanks Boo for posting a pic of mine, the repair to mine was about $4500AU but my insurance looked after it all, that's what insurance is for. I can recommend a great repairer but the cost of delivery might be a tad high. Des Higgins Motor Bodies Cnr Cross Keys & Acrylon Roads Salisbury South SA 5108 Tel: (08) 8258 7937 One of, if not the best crash repairer in South Australia. Prius, Lexus, Bentley, Rolls Royce, BMW, Mini Cooper and several other manufacturer approved repairer and an RAA Prefered repairer.
Dropped off car for repair this morning, estimated repair cost is $2,800 and estimated repair duration is 10 days. $773 in parts: LF door shell (from salvage), LR door panel (new), misc. $924 in body labor: 23.1 hours x $40/hour $536 in paint labor: 13.4 hours x $40/hour $375 in paint supplies: 13.4 hours x $28/hour $80 miscellaneous: fixed glass install, etc. $107 sales tax at 8.75% $2,796 total.