That's a good question. I would doubt that it's a standard font though. I used to work for a corporate printing company and learned that many companies will make changes of some sort to make the font different tnough to validate trademarking and copyrighting. You could probably use a font program to get very close, but you'd be dancing the line of copyright enfringement.
Here are two web sites that will help you identify a font. Identifont will ask you questions about the font, then try to make an identification. WhatTheFont will work on a sample you scan and send them. I have not used either one.
This won't help you. What I use is an old font called Star Trek Next Gen. That won't help you. I'm on a MAC and this was from way back when we used 400k floppies. I can't say that that's what's used here, but it's close enough I'm using it to make a little flag for the Alternative Vehicle Parade for Earth Day in Balboa Park May 1. I'm making a Prius Club San Diego flag out of an American flag that got shredded. I still have the plastic pole. I'm using Hewlett Packard transfer paper.