I am new here and apologize if this scenario has already been presented. I was in an accident a couple of weeks ago (it in the rear bumper) and took my prius into a body shop for repair. upon receiving the car yesterday, i drove it home, but noticed that all my radio stations had been reset and that my trip a and trip b on my odometer had been reset as well. i thought this was weird, but just changed them back. i parked the car at home, turned it off, and noticed that the doors did not lock and literally nothing worked. completely dead. there were no lights on in the dash, or any other signs of the hybrid battery going down the tube. Does anyone know what may be wrong or what i can do? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Kevin
Hi Kevin, Well sure really does sound like your 12V battery is dead. They must have run the radio until the battery was completely drained, then threw a quick charge on it b4 giving back to you. When the 12V battery gets completely drained it will ruin it, at least it would take two days to trickle charge it back to 100%, but then it won't retain the charge either, especially if that battery is over four years old. Take a volt meter with the car off, and read the 12v battery in the trunk (left side}. It should be 12.2V or higher, if lower then that, they ran the battery down. Sounds like yours is 10V or lower.. "no locks and completely dead"
Agree with the assessment that your 12v battery appears dead. You'll need to jump the car and leave the car ON in READY mode for at least 8 hours to charge the battery back up. Be sure NOT to jump the car backwards. You can also hook a battery charger to it instead. Keep in mind that once a lead-acid battery gets run down, it significantly diminishes the lifespan of the battery...
Hi Kevin, I agree that your car's 12V battery is dead, so I suggest that you replace it esp if it is more than four years old. The battery is located in the trunk, hiding behind the trim access panel on the driver's side.
Yes and a good thing to try is like Bob64 said is to throw a charger on the battery for a day, make sure if using a charger to leave the car off then. You see it only needs the 12v to boot up all the ecu's and then to start the engine using the HV battery, once the engine starts up (ready) then the inverter takes over all 12V loads. If that startup 12v power is a little dirty (charger connected), it may freak out the computers. But at least it'll start up tomorrow and you can go get a new battery..
I just ordered a new Optima Yellow Top Deep Cycle batter for my 2007 Prius because I have accidently run the battery down three times over the past 3 - 1/2 years, and a few day ago, it left my wife stranded so I tested the battery voltage and it is a little low. Maybe the old battery will still be strong enough for the lawn tractor.
Thank you guys so much- I'll keep you posted on what I find out. I am charging the battery now and will see if that works. If not, I'll just purchase a new one. Thanks again.