Just a FYI if anyone purchased a new battery and have their old one to sell. Hybrid Restoration will pay up to 300$. They pay shipping up front and the rest after getting your battery. For me it was 90 shipping and 210 later. May be a good option for people here.
It's not really a good deal except for the battery people. You could make $700+ selling the modules individually on eBay.
Yeah I found a guy locally in my town that advertises on marketplace and around town and other businesses and whatever $600 exchange new bus bars everything's balanced He racks modules together etc so on and so forth apparently has a pretty good reputation stands behind his work seems to know the business somewhat might give him a shot can't really got nothing to lose except to spend more money. This is just for a secondary car see how it works out another battery I had built by the hybrid doctor up in Fairfax VA has been rolling my generation 3 a long nicely have had no problems even running the air conditioner all summer seems to do well no code throwing issues everything's working on the car very decent experience other than the fact that it's a generation 3. Then it's got those unforgiving 17-in rims and wheels and it's just unbelievable You can't drive anywhere with those things without some form of damage happening they are for sitting on the street going nowhere posing something I don't know. My girlfriend thinks she can take that car anywhere like I take the generation too and I keep telling her forget it that is a street pavement queen nothing else coming up our rock driveway is almost a no-no just park it down there leave it walk up It's not that far but still.