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Prius attracts younger audiences- N. American Int. Auto Show

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Danny, Jan 12, 2004.

  1. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
    Staff Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Auto show attracts younger audiences

    By Ashley Dinges, Daily Staff Reporter
    January 12, 2004

    Link to Michigan Daily

    DETROIT — Opening its doors to the general public Saturday, the 2004 North American International Auto Show is expected to draw almost 850,000 visitors during its 11-day run — equal to Detroit’s population.

    The show kicked off Jan. 4 with a three-day-long media event that accommodated more than 6,600 journalists from 52 different countries. Following the media preview days were the industry preview days on Wednesday and Thursday and the Charity Preview on Friday.

    Last year, the show brought in $536.8 million. But NAIAS Executive Director Rod Alberts said the numbers keep growing.

    “We keep thinking year to year that things might level out,†Alberts said.

    It’s projected that the 2004 show will raise nearly $550 million.

    “It’s good for the economy and symbolic of what Detroit is known for,†Alberts said.

    In recent years, companies at the show have begun catering to a younger market, especially because of a growing interest in modifications and customizations to automobiles, such as high-tech audio systems.

    “(Age groups) 18 through 30 is the area a lot of shows have not been capitalizing on. It’s a little bit of a wake-up call — you have to change accordingly,†Alberts said.

    Michigan Hall, which housed the lower level of the show, was dedicated mainly to companies offering modifications, such as Ford Vehicle and Personalization and Saleen Performance Parts and Accessories.

    “People buy a $20,000 or $30,000 car and put another $10,000 into it,†Alberts said.

    In fact, modification companies are trying to attract potential buyers in this age group in several ways, including special exhibits like celebrity vehicles. Alberts said that some of the largest mistakes that have been made in other shows deal with attracting a younger generation to the shows.

    Verne Troyer, who starred as Mini-Me in two of the Austin Powers movies, signed autographs at the DUB Magazine booth on Saturday and Sunday. In addition, several celebrity vehicles were on display, such as Shaquille O’Neal’s 2003 Cadillac Escalade OutKast artist Big Boi’s 2004 Hummer H2.

    One exhibit popular in the age group of 24 to 50 is the Toyota Prius, (ITAL)Motor Trend(ITAL)’s 2004 Car of the Year. The hybrid has been out since 2000, and is one of the most popular cars for younger buyers, said Jay Saulsberry, a sales consultant for LaFontaine Automotive Group of Dearborn.

    “Unfortunately the car is in a demand that is greater than the supply. We can’t keep up with the market,†Saulsberry said.

    There is currently a four to six month waiting list nationwide for buyers of the vehicle.

    Because of its high demand, Toyota has not yet been able to market the Prius, but according to Saulsberry, when they begin, advertising will be geared at a younger generation.

    “It’s a really nice car — the technology is the next generation, and at an affordable price. You should be spending close to $40,000,†Saulsberry said.

    Actual retail price of the car starts as low as $19,985. The Prius includes safety features such as side airbags, and also features a voice-activated navigation system not found in any other Toyota vehicle.

    But students don’t necessarily come to the show to see cars they will buy. Engineering sophomore Steve Kelly enjoyed looking at sports cars such as the Porsche GT and Acura NSX.

    “There’s nothing like the thrill of taking turns fast,†said Kelly.
  2. ChiefoftheChiss

    ChiefoftheChiss New Member

    Jun 3, 2004
    Eugene OR
    Young Buyers?

    Thanks for that interesting article Danny. I was just wondering if there are some younger buyers here as well? I am 18 and picked up a '01 Prius. I've been drooling over them since they came out (I was around 14 at the time) Not having the patience or the buget for a 2004 I bought the 01 @ 10,500 from a local guy... has a couple of dents :( but other than that I'm loving it!! Any other young buyers? ... Also something about that article is of interest to me... (and I have been searching forums for weeks before asking) has anyone done ANYTHING to their audio?? new speakers amp sub? Thanks!
  3. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
    Staff Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    It'll be best to read through this thread and then ask whatever questions you have in the Audio & Electronics forum. Since you have an 01, this thread might not help you too much, but it's a starting point.

  4. JB

    JB Junior Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Houston, TX
    Yes, there are other young buyers around. I purchased the '04 at age 22. Basically I put an order last summer just after I graduated from college. :) This is the best car ever. I'm still loving it.
  5. ChiefoftheChiss

    ChiefoftheChiss New Member

    Jun 3, 2004
    Eugene OR
    Young Buyers

    Sweet JB, I guess that would make you 21 (and graduated from college. always nice.) I just went out to lunch and when I came out of place there were a couple of people hanging around my car... when they saw it was me (young person) they were all like, "No Way! I didn't think that anyone under 40 would get a car like this, good to see youth that are environmentally conscious." :) First time that's happend... of course I just bought my '01. I went by the car dealership today to see what the line was like for 04's... he basically said that I might as well get in line for an 05 :)... oh well soon enough!
  6. rcanate6

    rcanate6 New Member

    Apr 16, 2004
    So Cal
    I also got an 04 White #9 as a birthday/graduation present a month ago and absolutely love it. I just turned 21. I went with my mom today to turn in her leased Bonneville, and spent 20 mins "selling" my car to one of the GMC salesmen. Now that was fun.

  7. Brian

    Brian Member

    Feb 5, 2004
    2004 Prius
    So I beat you all. I am only 16. This is my First car. It came on Febuary 29. And I turned and got my Drivers licinse on my 16th birthday on April 23.
  8. eg239

    eg239 New Member

    Apr 27, 2004
    Manchester, NH
    I'm 19, but I have the feeling I'll be at least 30 before my car comes in :(

    I'd think that, after a lifetime of being told that the world's supply of oil will run out by 20XX, a lot of younger people WOULD be interested in the car. College campuses swarm with PIRG-type activist groups, and most of us want to rebel against everything possible anyhow. A friend of mine, who was very opposed to the war on Iraq, now wants to buy a hybrid "to stick it to the gas corporations".
  9. ChiefoftheChiss

    ChiefoftheChiss New Member

    Jun 3, 2004
    Eugene OR
    Did you buy it yourself Brian? :-D! If you did that's pretty sweet! If not, then you are one lucky fellah! You'd better thank whoever a lot! :)

    Keep your hopes up EG(239) at least your have an 04 coming in... (albeit hopefully in the next 5 years...) I was wondering do dealers have an 05 list to get on that might actually be shorter?

    Rebecca, I took my Prius down to the dealership yesterday to by a wiring harness to add my own CD player, and a salesman walked over to me and tried to sell me some "sporty" cars, I chatted with him for a bit but said that I was satified with my car... so after I had bought my part he came out to sniff around (like they do) and see what kinda of car I had so he could try to convince me better... and saw it was a Prius, he laughed and said he would have given up long ago had he known I had a Prius, thier owners are just too loyal, I ended up showing him around my car! I like to see that more youth are popping in here.
  10. ChiefoftheChiss

    ChiefoftheChiss New Member

    Jun 3, 2004
    Eugene OR
    Prius in Driveway

    Brian... one more question... was it terrible to see that beautiful thing in your driveway and not even be able to touch it? Wait, you probably had your permit, did you get to drive it for those 20 days before you turned 16?
  11. eg239

    eg239 New Member

    Apr 27, 2004
    Manchester, NH
    Once I'm sure I have the job I'll order it through work. It will most likely be an 05, but I know where I could get an 04. I figure whats the point in buying the car now when the new MY will be out in a few months anyway? (Hopefully Toyota will have changed up the options and colors a little by then.

    Brian, what made you decide on a Prius?
  12. Brian

    Brian Member

    Feb 5, 2004
    2004 Prius
    Re: Prius in Driveway

    Actually, when we went to get it, it was just two of us. SO, we needed to take it home sometime. :) I had a great 30 miles with it on my way home by myself. :)

    I have been working for it for a while. I started at a young age. Changed my diapers at age 1. Vacuumed the carpet at 1 1/2. Washed the car at age 2. LOL. JK. No, but my family owns a Boutique that I have been working at for a while. And still am, even now as I am typing this message I am working here. :D
  13. ChiefoftheChiss

    ChiefoftheChiss New Member

    Jun 3, 2004
    Eugene OR
    What made you want it?

    Brian, that is pretty cool, saving up for it. I was looking forward to you answering eg239's question though: what made you want to get it?

    eg239 (or "Ali") was it one of those reasons that you quoted that got you intersted in the prius then? It sounds like you might feel strongly about it. I do kinda like your friends veiwpoint though.
  14. Brian

    Brian Member

    Feb 5, 2004
    2004 Prius
    I well, I started looking for cars back in January. Just to start to make a plan. Then on my Birthday of 2003, I found the Prius. But, that was the 2003. I just about died at how cool it was. Then about a week later I found the 2004. And it was simply amazing. I showed my parents and they both agreed that they loved it too. So then I talked to my neighbor, who is a General Manager at a Toyota dealer. He showed me the '03 and I loved it.

    So when the '04 Prius was released we went to his dealer and Just loved it. It was a White #9. We drove it and I was so surprised at it. So we told him we need it around my birthday. I am very interested in technology and Biology. One of the major reasons is saving gas and a BIG one is Reducing Emissions. I could care less for power. Like most people ask about the HP. I really could care less, as long as it makes it up a hill, I'm satisfied.

    I really just love the car, the technology, and the good that it does. Oh, and LOVE the attention it gets me! :D

    ChiefoftheChiss, cool to see you have registered here.

    Brian Kane
  15. eg239

    eg239 New Member

    Apr 27, 2004
    Manchester, NH
    Re: What made you want it?

    I actually kind of shrugged off the idea of hybrids ("Well that's silly, where does it plug in?"), and then another friend of mine started telling me more about it-- specifically the Prius. I was still rather skeptical until one day, after putting $10 in my car, taking a short trip, and realizing it was almost gone, I decided I really hated my car. I stopped at a Toyota dealership and test-drove an '02 and wasn't really impressed. When I drove back on the lot, I spotted the '04. I took it out, had a ton of fun, and started to really like all the "gadgets" ("You mean, if I get out of the car and walk away with this thing, and then walk back to the car, it'll let me in? And I don't have to put that thing in the thing? What's this button do? Oooh."). A few days later my friend picked up his '04 and I fell in love with it.

    Basically, I'm broke. It would cost me more money to fuel and maintain my current vehicle, and I'll continute to create tons of pollution annually unless I upgrade to something a little better (I really like fresh air). I don't like buying gas. I'm driving a car that gets about 20mpg (it's a compact sedan, so that's abnormal). As far as I can remember my entire family has driven massive gas-guzzling pollutionmobiles. I figure it's about time to do something about that.
  16. sparkymarvin

    sparkymarvin Member

    Jan 22, 2004
    At the airport.
    2004 Prius
    Well eg 239,

    I'm a youngster too (as you know),
    but you can do it. You can get that Prius. I mean... you will have to go into 20K dollard debt, but we can go into debt together. It will be a blast.

    I hope you are who I think you are.

  17. olends

    olends New Member

    Jan 1, 2004
    Clifton Park, NY (near Albany)
    i just turned 22, and i've been wanthing this car for a while. unforunately i cant afford a car. i drive around in a broken down 92 bonneville. i would kill to have a prius, old or new.
  18. eg239

    eg239 New Member

    Apr 27, 2004
    Manchester, NH
    Yes, we can be debt buddies.

    "Hey, want to grab a pizza?"
    "I would, but I'm running out of vital organs to sell."

    We'd have a young Prius owner meetup, but we're all so damn broke, and by the time half of us get our cars, we'll no longer qualify as "young". (I'd rather be old and driving a Prius than young and still driving the Tracer.)

    olends-- there are a lot of good financing programs out there, even if you're tier 3 or 4 credit rating. You could even try leasing. There's hope yet :D

    (Edit: Sparkymarvin, your signature made me laugh. A lot.)
  19. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
    Staff Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I'll buy the first pitcher of beer :mrgreen:
  20. eg239

    eg239 New Member

    Apr 27, 2004
    Manchester, NH
    Buy each subsequent pitcher, and I'm game :)