Went to the California State Fair today. BOY is Maroon 5 popular . . . could have been the Beatles on stage with that crowd!!! I expected to see a Prii in the Toyota Zone. NOPE, nada! I was hoping to relive my first ‘04 Prii sighting from last year’s state fair! I asked the Toyota Dude. He said, “Why bother, we sell enough of them without advertising.†WHAT!!!! There was certainly plenty of room. I told him I thought that was a mistake. “Why wouldn’t Toyota want to advertise the Prius . . . especially this year . . . Car Of The Year . . . See What We Make . . . Want One? . . . Get In Line!!†He did say that they did have Prius brochures . . . but they were all gone . . . “they were quite popular.†WELL DUHHHHHHHH! Is Toyota doing ANY Prius advertising where you live?
Prius Advertising I went to The Cure concert at Home Depot Center in Carson, CA and in the venue there was a Prius on display. Can't imagine why since there isn't enough to go around down here. I am not sure if Toyota was a sponsor of the tour or of the venue. I am guessing the venue.
There has been a blue Prius on display in the Arundel Mills Mall here. It has been there at least 6 months and there always seems to be someone looking at it. The mall has each section "sponsored" by a different company and Toyota is one of the sponsors. My husband was surprised that the Prius was still there--he said with all the waiting lists they could easily sell it. My granddaughter likes seeing "Grandma's" car there.
Individual dealers around here definitely don't display Prii in their ads; I'm assuming this is because they don't have any. One or two have Prius pictures on their Web Sites, but I think they're using graphics they were handed from Toyota. Frankly, I can sympathize with them: why advertise to "come in and look at a Prius" if (a) you don't have any to sell and (B) don't have one to test drive?
There is a difference between advertising and marketing. And in this aspect Toyota is failing miserably in it’s overall marketing. There is still a great deal of ignorance and misconception regarding the Prius. “Where do you plug it in� Just today, one of my wife’s coworkers said, “I can’t believe you are buying a Prius . . . my husband says that you need to constantly change the batteries and they are really expensive.†I feel that not including a Prii in the mix at the California State Fair was a blunder. They could have had a sign touting “Car Of The Year . . . Come learn why there is a waiting list and why buyers are willing to wait months for this car!!!†Hundreds of thousands of people would have seen the car . . . all for the cost of . . . well, nothing!
My faves I've personally experienced are: 1) If it's electric what happens when it rains? and 2) You're moving to Seattle? How will the solar panels work out there?
In Oz Toyota were advertisng Prius late 2003, but haven't seen any until this week. I saw two ads this week, on different channels. In Perth we receive three Prius deliveries per month, and the waiting time was about 3 months when I ordered (January) - not sure what it is now. Obviously they don't need to advertise to sell this car, but by holding back they are not helping in promoting the concept - most people that I talk to are completely oblivious to the existence of hybrid cars. Toyota scored a coup here - they should ensure that the message gets out to the general public! kenmac
the only time i've seen the Prius in any kind of advertisement was on TV... although the did speed up the frame rate which the prius was in. The newer commercial for toyota stating they all get good gas mileage. The third scene in ( or so ) the prius gets a full screen shot and zooms across a lake front. It seems double speed. However, i have not seen this commercial in a couple weeks.
i agree that i run into people who have pretty weird ideas about the Prius. one was sure that i would get electrocuted if i was in an accident when it was raining. another was convinced that she could beat me in a race on a ten speed. another was sure the batteries would have to be replaced yearly. she "got" this info from her dad who had a hybrid (or something) years ago and had nothing but problems with it. she said she was surprised that they still "made that junk" and no one believes that i can carry 4 people very comfortably.
Oh dear, I remember how badly the Commodore Amiga was marketed so many years ago. Please Toyota, don't make the same mistakes.
gee-ha...we just got into Gillette Wyoming..'the land of BIG pickups'.. not sure if there is a Toyota dealer in town...pretty sure we're the ONLY Prius in town...we have sure gotten a lot of looks.. came to the kid's house, so haven't had any parking lot Q&A's.. spending the weekend..so am sure we will become the point of conversation at one time or another... saw no Prii on our way here from Denver... did have an Insight come along side the driver hung on our 1/4 panel for a while then came along side, waved and passed us... guess it was a case of ' Prius Envy'.. this was our longest trip..360 miles and the average is 49 mpg... bucked a headwind last 70 miles... flags out at a ranch led me to think the wind was about 15mpg... we set the cruise at 65 and 70 for most of the trip....speed limit in Colorado and Wyoming is 75.. from Douglas Wyoming to Gillette it's 65.. we past our usual gas stop and said that they'd probably have to close as we didn't stop as we always have in the past with the 15mpg truck... LIFE IS GOOD... :lol: More later....Bob
oh great!! now we have to deal with remote gas station owners going out of business after we are not forced to stop and pay the 15 cent a gallon premium for their gas.
Although they don't advertise the Prius, it gets so much press that they don't really need to until they begin sitting on the lots. 'Sierra', the mag put out by the Sierra Club, of which I am a proud member, features a picture of a Prius doing something every month. This month it was shown next to the Republican 18-wheeler used to get out the vote. 'Heidi the Hybrid' is nicely decorated and said to run circles around the GOP behemoth.