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Prius 50 Creaking in the trunk on small bumps in the road

Discussion in 'Prime Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by RoobCGEN, Mar 16, 2022.

  1. RoobCGEN

    RoobCGEN New Member

    Mar 16, 2022
    2017 Prius
    Всем добрый день! Приобрел Приус 50 кузов в 2017 году с пробегом 49000 тыс.км. км, машиной очень доволен!!! но есть одно НО, при проезде мелких колдобин в кузове авто в районе заднего правого амортизатора есть скрип, но только на мелких колдобинах, на лежачих полицейских полная тишина, поначалу Я грешил на газлифты двери багажника, но я их поменял на новые звук остался! Очень долго и муторно искал причину этого скрипа, но так и не нашел, купил баллончик силиконовой смазки, залил все резинки в районе багажника, уплотнительные резинки, заглушки, петли, смазал замок собственно, в общем все, что может как-то такие звуки издавать, но самое смешное, что звук остается!!! Я проехал сотню, поднял машину, все задние амортизаторы сухие, из них ничего не течет, проверили затяжку болтов амортизаторов, все затянуто в порядке, все залил в месте крепления амортизаторов силиконом на всякий случай, что бы точно, но беда осталась, скрипит и скрипит на мелких ухабах! Так же проклеил нишу запаски с шумом,думал издает этот звук,не помогло,проверял глушитель,это не он! Подскажите, пожалуйста, что это может быть? где смотреть куда лезть? моя фантазия закончилась!
    vvillovv likes this.
  2. Peng Xiao

    Peng Xiao Junior Member

    Apr 12, 2019
    New Jersey
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
  3. Prim.e.xample

    Prim.e.xample Active Member

    Sep 21, 2019
    2020 Prius Prime
    Translated to:

    Good afternoon, everyone! I bought Prius 50 body in 2017 with a mileage of 49,000 thousand km, I am very pleased with the car!!! But there is one BUT, when passing small potholes in the back of the car in the area of the rear right shock absorber there is a creak, but only on small potholes, there is complete silence on the lying policemen, at first I sinned on the gas lifts of the trunk door, but I changed them to a new sound remained! For a very long time and tediously looking for the cause of this creak, but never found it, bought a silicone grease can, poured all the elastic bands in the trunk area, sealing gum, plugs, hinges, lubricated the lock in fact, in general, everything that can somehow make such sounds, but the funny thing I drove a hundred, picked up the car, all the rear shock absorbers are dry, nothing flows out of them, checked the tightening of the shock absorber bolts, everything is tightened in order, everything was filled in the place of fastening the shock absorbers with silicone just in case, which would be accurate, but the trouble remained, creaking and creaking on small bumps! I also glued the spare niche with noise, I thought it makes this sound, it didn't help, I checked the silencer, it's not him! Could you please tell me what it could be? Where to look where to go? My fantasy is over
  4. RoobCGEN

    RoobCGEN New Member

    Mar 16, 2022
    2017 Prius
    Полностью согласен!, но я не русский, я белорус, и я и люди в моей стране это категорически осуждаю! Но мы ничего не можем с этим поделать, власть захватили преступники!
  5. vvillovv

    vvillovv Senior Member

    Mar 19, 2013
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
    I have a similar story about a 1994 Dodge Intrepid with a leak in the trunk. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodge_Intrepid
    The spare tire was frozen in the trunk in the winter. I took the car to the body shop and they said they fixed the leak.

    I could see many things they had done in the truck to fix the leak. The body shop work did not stop the leak.

    I took the car back to the body shop 4 more times. The body shop tried to fix the leak again 4 more times.

    I still had the leak in the trunk. They told me they couldn't find the real leak.

    Several years later while I was drying the wet trunk I found the leak. The leak snaked around the tail light and collected in the spare tire well.

    It was easy to fix myself when I found the location where it leaked, Modern times are complicated and getting more complicated for lots of reason that are nearly impossible to make reasonable to mind all around the world from the stories that are told about them.
    I hope this makes sense after it's translated to Belarusian at translate.google.com - wish it was easier to be sure.
    Belarusian at - translate.google.com says

    У мяне падобная гісторыя з Dodge Intrepid 1994 года выпуску з уцечкай у багажніку. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodge_Intrepid
    Запаска зімой замерзла ў багажніку. Я адвёз машыну ў аўтамайстэрню, там сказалі, што ліквідавалі ўцечку.
    Я мог бачыць шмат рэчаў, якія яны зрабілі ў грузавіку, каб ліквідаваць уцечку. Працы кузавальнага цэха не спынілі ўцечку.
    Я яшчэ 4 разы адвозіў машыну ў кузаваную майстэрню. Кузаўны цэх яшчэ 4 разы спрабаваў ліквідаваць уцечку.
    У мяне ўсё яшчэ была ўцечка ў багажніку. Яны сказалі мне, што не могуць знайсці сапраўдную ўцечку.
    Праз некалькі гадоў, калі сушыў мокры ствол, я выявіў уцечку. Уцечка абвівалася вакол задняга ліхтара і добра сабралася ў запаску.
    Было лёгка выправіць сябе, калі я знайшоў месца, адкуль гэта ўцечка. Сучасныя часы складаныя і ўсё больш складаныя па многіх прычынах, якія амаль немагчыма зрабіць разумным ва ўсім свеце з гісторый, якія распавядаюць пра іх.
    Спадзяюся, што пасля перакладу на беларускую мову на translate.google.com у гэтым будзе сэнс - хацелася б, каб было прасцей пераканацца.
    Беларуская на - translate.google.com кажа

    паказаць больш :
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    pakazać boĺš :

    U mianie padobnaja historyja z Dodge Intrepid 1994 hoda vypusku z uciečkaj u bahažniku. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodge_Intrepid
    Zapaska zimoj zamierzla ŭ bahažniku. JA advioz mašynu ŭ aŭtamajsterniu, tam skazali, što likvidavali ŭciečku.
    JA moh bačyć šmat rečaŭ, jakija jany zrabili ŭ hruzaviku, kab likvidavać uciečku. Pracy kuzavaĺnaha cecha nie spynili ŭciečku.
    JA jašče 4 razy advoziŭ mašynu ŭ kuzavanuju majsterniu. Kuzaŭny cech jašče 4 razy sprabavaŭ likvidavać uciečku.
    U mianie ŭsio jašče byla ŭciečka ŭ bahažniku. Jany skazali mnie, što nie mohuć znajsci sapraŭdnuju ŭciečku.
    Praz niekaĺki hadoŭ, kali sušyŭ mokry stvol, ja vyjaviŭ uciečku. Uciečka abvivalasia vakol zadniaha lichtara i dobra sabralasia ŭ zapasku.
    Bylo liohka vypravić siabie, kali ja znajšoŭ miesca, adkuĺ heta ŭciečka. Sučasnyja časy skladanyja i ŭsio boĺš skladanyja pa mnohich pryčynach, jakija amaĺ niemahčyma zrabić razumnym va ŭsim sviecie z historyj, jakija raspaviadajuć pra ich.
    Spadziajusia, što paslia pierakladu na bielaruskuju movu na translate.google.com u hetym budzie sens - chacielasia b, kab bylo prasciej pierakanacca.
    Bielaruskaja na - translate.google.com kaža

    ? ?
  6. RoobCGEN

    RoobCGEN New Member

    Mar 16, 2022
    2017 Prius
    thank you all for your attention!
    this element that adjusts the level of closing the trunk lid, all the noise was from it, I removed this element, there was dirt under it, I cleaned and lubricated everything, sprayed silicone grease in the holes that attach this element from above and below, it became quiet, I'm very happy, thank God

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    vvillovv likes this.