Hey Guys, Wondering where can I buy individual cell with capacity higher than 6000mah? Because on ebay they only tell you the voltages. Sorry for the grammar. English is my second language. Thank You.
That is the trick with all the criminal sellers on the net now it's hard to make anything happen. If you look around online I think they are available there are new ones out there 50-60 bucks a pop or something maybe more I don't know If you're only buying one or two I guess maybe it can be worth it but everything every one of these you buy they're taking money away from a new real battery that might be a thing but certainly wasn't a few of ours I have played this game with the battery modules and it just doesn't really hold up or work out It might get you by a few weeks a few months whatever but if that's all you're trying to get was in you're fixing to get a new car anyway if so have that it do well and go for it.
This guy is the best... He teaches Hyrbid Car Repair at his local college. Always sells super high quality modules: https://2ndlifebattery.com/contact-us/