For a while now I have been getting water in the trunk of my old 2001 Prius. Its dripping from the left side (driver's side) cutout in the upper part of the trunk. I tried resealing the rear window and I am confident there is no openings there. The only thing I can determine is that I need to replace the trunk gasket. Having a hard time finding a replacement seal for that model. Does anyone know of a parts company where I can purchase a new trunk seal gasket for a 2001 Prius? Thanks.
Is it from the trunk seal, or is it the air intake/exhaust for HV battery fan? Have you dug around back behind the battery and see if the water is coming in from there? Have you removed the cowel and looked at the fan?
Thanks for replying back joedirte. I know where the leak terminates, from a cutout on the rear left side of the trunk. There is no water in the battery areas (both the ICE and the battery bank). I will check the HV exhaust area but I have confirmed there is no extra openings around that area. Perhapse there may be an extra opening or crack inside the exhast opening.