im trying to know what the difference is . i see people saying they have a 2010 prius 2 . i thought all where prius 3 after 2009 . will someone school me . confused in n. ca. ?
That is the 3rd Generation of Prius. When it's stated "2010 prius 2" It means it is a 2010 (3rd Gen) Prius, package 2. I "think" there were 3 packages that included varies extras, like a sunroof, auto start, auto ac before entering the car.
Right, we usually say "Gen 1", "Gen 2", "Gen 3', or "Gen 4", when we mean the 2001–3, 2004–9, 2010–5, 2016–22 generations (and now there's Gen 5, 2023–). Then within a model year, there can be different packages or trim levels. In 2010 they used Roman numerals, so somebody might have a 2010 IV or a 2010 V. Later they went to spelling it out, so you might have a 2012 Four or a 2012 Five. The change might have been to avoid confusion with the new wagon that came out in 2012, which is the Prius v (lowercase v).
So you have a Gen 3 package 2 There is base, 2,3,4 and 5 4&5 are the only models with solar pkg. Normally shown as IV&V I have a 2010 Gen 3 Model IV (4)
This site is a great resource for features and levels of cars from the recent past: Auto-Brochures | home US 2011 Prius brochure is in there, explains the levels.
well i understand my confusion now ! so i might own a 2010 prius 4 ! four ! IV ! it makes perfect sence. any clue what is on the base ?