So I got an 03 Prius in trade for my Saab about 3 months ago. As far as I can tell, it's the original HV battery with 203k on it. Runs, drives fine, still about 42 mpg in mixed driving with lots of rush hour stop and go. My main concern is, how much longer can I realistically expect the Hv to last? I don't want to pop for a new one, I don't like the gen 1 nearly as much as the gen 2. It's a fine commuter but I'm not sure it's work putting serious cash into if the HV dies.
Welcome to Prius Chat . This question is frequently asked, but if you are willing to invest a small amount, the HV battery can be grid charged and extend the packs life. I have done this with our 2010 Prius II with 160 k miles. Havin performed grid charging, I have seen the benefits and will continue to do so: Prolong Battery Systems. Extending the life of your hybrid. – Hybrid Automotive Hope that helps.
Grid charger for a Gen 1 is $500 to $800, depending on what you choose to do about the discharging part. I have the one with the smart discharger, haven't used the smart discharger yet because it came after the really hot weather arrived. One of my Pri's has the original battery pack, the other has 4 year old factory replacement. Both will get grid charged this fall. If I were you, I'd go ahead and sell the car while it's running well. Get what you want, with the thought that any (every) car eventually wears out. Even Gen 2's do. The batteries in the early Gen 2's are pushing 15 or so years, too.
My experience with four Gen1 Prii is HV battery lasts for about 8 years. Time is more important than miles.