I specifically asked (more than once) for the front license plate holder NOT to be installed as it is not used in NM. "Yes, we have told the prep supervisor". When I get home (100 mi), I discover it WAS installed - ugly black, non-aerodynamic thing on Classic Metallic Silver. :angry: So I remove the 3/16 screws, which leave 2 ugly holes and slight bumper distortion. My first thought was to screw in short stainless screws, but 3/16 screws have large heads; at the hardware store I found some small whitish nylon plugs I thought would be inconspicuous. WRONG! The beautiful clean sweep of my front bumper is now adorned with two nipples and a hint of areolae of distorted plastic. It looks better than holes, but not much. It's very noticable to me. Because of the new plasic dam behind the front bumper, one can't easily get to the backside to work on it (not that I have a clear idea how to fix it). My only thought is to find a couple of appropriate classy-looking button-like decals I can glue over the holes that say, in effect "customized". I have no idea what they might be. I suppose a body shop could fix it, but I'm afraid it will be my dime (I wish, dime). Certainly I'll complain to the dealer on Monday, but I don't hope for much. Any ideas for a fix, or a suitable covers & a source? Maybe I could glue on a flat disc of some kid and paint it I was considering a transparent bumper bra, but the holes would have to be fixed with a matching flat patch first. All suggestions, etc., but no bumper sticker ideas, please! I want it t look like a car, not a billboard. Thanks, C
Hey, now you've got an extra set of headlights! :lol: I feel your pain. Hope you find a good solution that get's 'er back in 'er prime.
If you spoke to them about it, you should have recourse. They HIGHLY value that survey you will be getting to fill out. Call the customer service manger of the dealer and start the negociations. Same thing happened to me, they patched and painted the bumper (part one of the story, more to come as all that has happened is resolved)
I agree. You made it quite clear you didn't want the plate and they acknowledged they understood and would honor the request. They should fix it. After they do....what not consider one of the Prius decals available here? Instead of putting it in the back or on the windshield, put it over whatever fix is used. It's not exactly like a bumper sticker. I love the decals on my car.
There are some very good mobile paint repair businesses that will come to your place anfd fix like new for a fraction of the cost and within a couple of hours instead of a week! If you don't have any down your way, contact these guys and there might be a business opportunity for you! Kwik Fix Paint Repair Systems I have used these guys and been very satisfied.
When I got Priapus, a drunken monkey (do a PriusChat search for "drunken monkey") bolted the front license plate directly onto my front bumper sans plate holder. Additionally, the plate was off-center and crooked. Oh was I ticked, but fortunately the plate holder covered the "original sin."